ExportConverter to change Patient ID format

  • Hi
    Someone have an example on how to change Patient ID format using ExportConverter or something like this.
    I need to convert patient ID and forward studies from one hospital to the other. (the typical example of data normalization between hospitals)

    format hospital A is: "abcdef" and must be converted to hospital B to "000abcdef" (adding 0 to complete 9 digits)



  • Hi,

    this should be in RetrieveResultConverter. Try something like:

    RetrieveResultConverter0 = if Association.Called == 'HOSPA' then Data.PatientID='000'..Data.PatientID end

    Warning: the patient ID should be changed back when data is returned from the remote site.


  • Thanks Marcel.
    Is there a way the system "check" if there are 9 characters in the ID and if it not fill with 0?
    Some patients have 9, some have 8 and some have 6 numbers in the patient ID. So all of them must be normalized to 9 characters/numbers.

  • Another point is that I don't think must be RetrieveConverter, Conquest will act as a DICOM auto forwarding (get studies forwarded from PACS, change the ID, send to the second institution.
    Maybe "ExportConverter"?


  • Hi all,

    I've tested it with a simple entry for Importconverter.
    I didn't find a matching documentation - so I gave it a try:

    ImportConverters = 1
    ImportConverter0 = set 0010,0020 to "EXT-%i[0,6]"; forward to MAINPACS; destroy

    This will grab the first six digits from Patient ID and change it to EXT-"PATID".
    After this the study is send to the main PACS and deleted local.
    A great Router with Patient ID modifying ...

    Thanks for your great work Marcel.


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