Database losing entities?

  • Hey guys.

    I installed Concquest Server for one of our clients and i like it a lot. But we had troubles getting enough harddisks. Because of that we made a temporary solution using a usb disk for the image storage. The Database it self is on a raid 10 array.
    Now we had the problem that the usb disk connection failed. After it failed i could still poll the database using synedra client but of course not view the pictures. For 1 patient i've seen 4 different examinations. After reconnecting the usb disk ther were only 2 left. Did anyone have similar issues? Or how could one explain that? The database hasn't change so even if the pictures were no longer there the entities should stil be present or am I wrong?

    Thank you in advance.

  • Hi Marcel,

    Thank you for the quick response!

    I'm using Version 1.4.17. Releasedate: 20130517. Is this the newest Version? I found a Version 1.4.17D in this forum but you say it was prereleased march 9 2013. Also the link for the Windows binary is not working.

    My Dicom.ini is as follows:

    Is there something I can do to prevent entity deletions for unavailable pictures?
    And what would happen if i imported all the pictures again? Would I get duplicates? I've used onis to import pictures but it can't handle more than like 50 examinations at a time if I don't import it locally first.. which is a hassle, because I don't have much local space. Can conquest Server import those pictures directly or do you know of any freeware that is up for the job?

    Thank you again for taking the time to help me. I really appreciate it!

  • Hey Marcel thank you for your quick reply!

    I already wrote yesterday and it told me that my post needed to be reviewed before its added. I might have made a mistake wich is why i write again (in case there is a doublepost).

    I'm using this version: 1.4.17. Date of this release: 20130517. On this forum i found a version 1.4.17d is it newer? The download link for the windows binary seems to be broken though.

    My Dicom.ini is as follows:

    • Is there anything I can do to prevent Conquestserver from deleting entities that point to invalid Image locations?
    • What can i do to hava a full db once again? Is it possible to import all dicom files again withouth having duplicates ?
    • I've used Onis to do the first import. But it was a hassle because I needed to import the dicom files locally first before being able to copy the to the server otherwise it didn't work with more than like 50 examinations. And I didn't have much space locally. Do you know of any freeware that is up for the task or can conquest server do it? I have about 600GB of Dicom files.

    Thank you very much for your help it is much appreciated!

  • Hi Marcel

    I did update to version 1.4.17d sorry I didn't see your second post.

    Now I still have the problem of an incomplete database. Can you tell me if I would get doublicates if i import the same data again?

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