Q/R problem with fuji Eypix station

  • Hello,

    I have a problem with 2 Fuji Eyepix stations,I can querry my Conquest Server but can't retrieve the images.
    I checked the AET,IP and Port .

    Could someone help me?

    Thanks in advance!


  • Hi,

    taken out patient name from the log. Conquest is not allowed to store in Eyepix, so you need to configure that system. By the way a regular log would show that much quicker.


  • Hi Marcel,

    Thanks for your quick response,but I tried with the IQdicomtest Software with the aet from my conquest server and it works(I assume it's works,because I just have a remote desktop connection to my server).

    17:34:01: Starting STORE ServiceConnected to: Context Accept, Transfer Syntax: 1.2.840.10008. >> EYEPIX02 (0000,0000), 4, UL, "140" - Group Length (0000,0002), 28, UI, "1.2.840.10008." - Affected SOP Class UID (0000,0100), 2, US, "1" - Command Field (0000,0110), 2, US, "3" - Message ID (0000,0700), 2, US, "0" - Priority (0000,0800), 2, US, "258" - Data Set Type (0000,1000), 56, UI, "1.2.392.200036.9116." - Affected SOP Instance UIDDSASRV1 >> EYEPIX02 (0008,0008), 30, CS, "ORIGINAL\PRIMARY\US IMAGE\0001" - Image Type (0008,0012), 8, DA, "20090203" - Instance Creation Date (0008,0013), 14, TM, "101754.203000 " - Instance Creation Time (0008,0016), 28, UI, "1.2.840.10008." - SOP Class UID (0008,0018), 56, UI, "1.2.392.200036.9116." - SOP Instance UID (0008,0020), 8, DA, "20090203" - Study Date (0008,0021), 8, DA, "20090203" - Series Date (0008,0022), 8, DA, "20090203" - Acquisition Date (0008,0023), 8, DA, "20090203" - Content Date (0008,0030), 14, TM, "101616.125000 " - Study Time (0008,0031), 14, TM, "101616.125000 " - Series Time (0008,0032), 14, TM, "101754.203000 " - Acquisition Time (0008,0033), 14, TM, "101754.203000 " - Content Time (0008,0050), 16, SH, "779200902030011 " - Accession Number (0008,0060), 2, CS, "US" - Modality (0008,0070), 12, LO, "TOSHIBA_MEC " - Manufacturer (0008,0080), 8, LO, "TOSHIBA " - Institution Name (0008,0090), 18, PN, "DR xxxxx " - Referring Physician’s Name (0008,1030), 6, LO, "Breast" - Study Description (0008,1040), 0, LO, "" - Institutional Department Name (0008,1050), 18, PN, "DR xxxxxxxxxxx\" - Performing Physician’s Name (0008,1070), 2, PN, "\ " - Operators’ Name (0008,1080), 0, LO, "" - Admitting Diagnoses Description (0008,1090), 6, LO, "Xario " - Manufacturer’s Model Name (0008,2111), 90, ST, "Lossless JPEG compression, selection value 6, point transform 0, compression ratio 2.4872 " - Derivation Description (0008,9215), -1, SQ (FFFE,E000), -1, DL (0008,0100), 6, SH, "121327" - Code Value (0008,0102), 4, SH, "DCM " - Coding Scheme Designator (0008,0104), 56, LO, "Full fidelity image, uncompressed or lossless compressed" - Code Meaning (FFFE,E00D), 0, DL, "" - Item Delimitation Item (FFFE,E0DD), 0, DL, "" - Sequence Delimitation Item (0010,0010), 22, PN, "xxxxxxxx " - Patient’s Name (0010,0020), 8, LO, "xxxxxxxxxxxx" - Patient ID (0010,0030), 8, DA, "19360224" - Patient's Birth Date (0010,0040), 2, CS, "F " - Patient's Sex (0010,1020), 2, DS, "0 " - Patient's Size (0010,1030), 2, DS, "0 " - Patient's Weight (0010,1040), 0, LO, "" - Patient's Address (0010,21C0), 2, US, "4" - Pregnancy Status (0010,4000), 12, LT, "Insurance= " - Patient Comments (0018,1000), 8, LO, "35512293" - Device Serial Number (0018,1020), 6, LO, "V6.00 " - Software Version(s) (0018,6011), -1, SQ (FFFE,E000), -1, DL (0018,6012), 2, US, "1" - Region Spatial Format (0018,6014), 2, US, "1" - Region Data Type (0018,6016), 4, UL, "2" - Region Flags (0018,6018), 4, UL, "36" - Region Location Min X0 (0018,601A), 4, UL, "82" - Region Location Min Y0 (0018,601C), 4, UL, "682" - Region Location Max X1 (0018,601E), 4, UL, "462" - Region Location Max Y1 (0018,6020), 4, SL, "85" - Reference Pixel X0 (0018,6022), 4, SL, "0" - Reference Pixel Y0 (0018,6024), 2, US, "3" - Physical Units X Direction (0018,6026), 2, US, "3" - Physical Units Y Direction (0018,6028), 8, FD, " 0.00" - Reference Pixel Physical Value X (0018,602A), 8, FD, " 0.00" - Reference Pixel Physical Value Y (0018,602C), 8, FD, "-0.00" - Physical Delta X (0018,602E), 8, FD, "-0.00" - Physical Delta Y (0018,6030), 4, UL, "4210" - Transducer Frequency (0018,6036), 8, FD, " 0.00" - Steering Angle (FFFE,E00D), 0, DL, "" - Item Delimitation Item (FFFE,E0DD), 0, DL, "" - Sequence Delimitation Item (0018,6031), 6, CS, "LINEAR" - Transducer Type (0020,000D), 38, UI, "" - Study Instance UID (0020,000E), 56, UI, "1.2.392.200036.9116." - Series Instance UID (0020,0010), 2, SH, "1 " - Study ID (0020,0011), 2, IS, "1 " - Series Number (0020,0013), 2, IS, "1 " - Instance Number (0020,0020), 0, CS, "" - Patient Orientation (0020,4000), 0, LT, "" - Image Comments (0028,0002), 2, US, "3" - Samples per Pixel (0028,0004), 4, CS, "RGB " - Photometric Interpretation (0028,0006), 2, US, "0" - Planar Configuration (0028,0010), 2, US, "537" - Rows (0028,0011), 2, US, "716" - Columns (0028,0014), 2, US, "1" - Ultrasound Color Data Present (0028,0030), 24, DS, "0.078947367\0.078947367 " - Pixel Spacing (0028,0100), 2, US, "8" - Bits Allocated (0028,0101), 2, US, "8" - Bits Stored (0028,0102), 2, US, "7" - High Bit (0028,0103), 2, US, "0" - Pixel Representation (0028,1050), 4, DS, "128 " - Window Center (0028,1051), 4, DS, "256 " - Window Width (0029,0010), 18, UN, "TOSHIBA MDW HEADER" - *** Unidentified *** (0029,0011), 22, UN, "PMTF INFORMATION DATA " - *** Unidentified *** (0029,1008), 10, UN, "TUS_IMAGE " - *** Unidentified *** (0029,1009), 4, UN, "1.00" - *** Unidentified *** (0029,1010), 1384, UN (0029,1131), 12, UN, "5.0.17881113" - *** Unidentified *** (0029,1132), 4, UN, "Ä™" - *** Unidentified *** (0029,1133), 4, UN, "" - *** Unidentified *** (0029,1134), 12, UN, "DB TO DICOM " - *** Unidentified *** (0032,000A), 10, CS, "SCHEDULED " - Study Status ID (RET) (0032,1000), 8, DA, "20090203" - Scheduled Study Start Date (RET) (0032,1001), 6, TM, "084622" - Scheduled Study Start Time (RET) (0032,1021), 6, AE, "ECHO4 " - Scheduled Study Location AE Title (RET) (0032,1032), 18, PN, "DR xxxxxxxxxx " - Requesting Physician (0032,1060), 6, LO, "ECHOMA" - Requested Procedure Description (0032,4000), 0, LT, "" - Study Comments (0040,0275), -1, SQ (FFFE,E000), -1, DL (0040,1001), 16, SH, "7792009020300113" - Requested Procedure ID (FFFE,E00D), 0, DL, "" - Item Delimitation Item (FFFE,E0DD), 0, DL, "" - Sequence Delimitation Item (7FE0,0010), -1, OW (FFFE,E000), 0, DL (FFFE,E000), 463758, DL (D8FF,C3FF), 520, (0000,0000), 0, UL, "0" - Group Length (0000,0000), 0, UL, "0" - Group Length (0000,0000), 0, UL, "0" - Group Length (0000,0000), 0, UL, "0" - Group Length (0000,0000), 0, UL, "0" - Group Length (0000,0000), 0, UL, "0" - Group Length (0000,0000), 0, UL, "0" - Group Length (0000,0000), 0, UL, "0" - Group Length (0000,0000), 0, UL, "0" - 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Group Length (0000,0000), 1056964608, UL (FFFE,E0DD), 0, DL, "" - Sequence Delimitation ItemDSASRV1 << EYEPIX02 (0000,0000), 4, UL, "140" - Group Length (0000,0002), 28, UI, "1.2.840.10008." - Affected SOP Class UID (0000,0100), 2, US, "32769" - Command Field (0000,0120), 2, US, "3" - Message ID Being Responded To (0000,0800), 2, US, "257" - Data Set Type (0000,0900), 2, US, "0" - Status (0000,1000), 56, UI, "1.2.392.200036.9116." - Affected SOP Instance UID17:34:04: STORE OK


    /* ********************************************************** * * * DICOM AE (Application entity) -> IP address / Port map * * (This is file ACRNEMA.MAP) * * * * All DICOM systems that want to retrieve images from the * * Conquest DICOM server must be listed here with correct * * AE name, (IP adress or hostname) and port number. * * The first entry is the Conquest system as example. * * * * * * The syntax for each entry is : * * AE <IP adress|Host name> port number compression * * * * For compression see manual. Values are un=uncompressed; * * ul=littleendianexplicit,ub=bigendianexplicit,ue=both * * j2=lossless jpeg;j3..j6=lossy jpeg;n1..n4=nki private * * jk =lossless jpeg2000;jl=lossy jpeg2000 * * Use J3NN..j6NN or jlNN to override quality factor to NN% * * * ********************************************************** */DSASRV1 4096 un KPServer 5555 un EYEPIXCAB 10488 un sow1 4096 un sa-1 4006 un EYEPIX01 104 un VIEWPIX01 3010 un sow2 4096 un soww1 4096 un DSA 4096 j2 AETJB 4000 j2 KPS 104 un EYEPIX02 104 j2 aplio 104 un NETSCU01 104 un NETSCU02 104 un NETSCU03 104 un NETSCU04 104 un NETSCU05 104 un KPServer1 104 un HIRISRF43 104 un KEOSYSXRF 104 un JCSRV1 5678 un DSASRV1BCK 4096 un MACPRO 11112 unCONQUESTSRV1 5679 UN



  • Hello Marcel,

    I've got some news from the fuji technician, we tried to change the compression factor to n2(we tried with j2,un,ul...) with no results. Always the message host did not accept the connection.
    We double check the AETITLE, IP address and port, I disable my firewall...
    It's really strange because the fuji station can query my conquest server, but can't retreive the images(it's look like a wrong aet/IP /port) .
    Did you have any other suggestions?
    Thanks for your help.


  • Hi,

    N2 is a private compression from NKI (conquest). That would not work. I would start with UN or UI.

    The IP and port used to comminicate with Fuji are taken from acrnema.map. A move command looks like "send this data to FUJI". Where "FUJI" is then looked up in acrnema.map (known providers page). As a result the server initiates a new connection to FUIJI_IP and FUJI_PORT using it own AE title (e.g. CONQUESTSRV1) as calling, and FUJI as called.

    What can be wrong? FUJI_IP and FUJI_PORT may be wrong in acrnema.map, or CONQUESTSRV1 may not be authorized to store images in fuji, or ethe compression is not accepted. This is about it.

    Hope this helps.


  • Hi Marcel & Jean christophe,
    we have the same issue with a eyepix "axxon software" with version 1.4.17d, to resolve the trouble we downgrade to 1.4.15 and it works fine. May be the compression is different... in the GUI it seems different in the 1.4.17d ( no mention off OFFIS tools)
    My 2 cent

  • Quote from flechebleue

    Hi Marcel & Jean christophe,
    we have the same issue with a eyepix "axxon software" with version 1.4.17d, to resolve the trouble we downgrade to 1.4.15 and it works fine. May be the compression is different... in the GUI it seems different in the 1.4.17d ( no mention off OFFIS tools)
    My 2 cent

    Thanks for this information! but I don't think that I will downgrade my conquest server for the moment,the hospital bought a mac with osirix and no more problem for query and retreive .

    marcel :
    I tried J2 without success...

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