Unable to Override Default Lossy Quality

  • In the user manual, it is stated that one could override the default "Losyquality" value by appending an appropriate number after the name of the compression type e.g jl10 or j485 etc.

    However, the only way to adjust quality seems to be by assigning a value to Lossyquality option in dicom.ini. At least in the context of forwarding.

    Forward compressed as jlNN ignores the NN.

    Adding an NN against the AET in Known Dicom providers is also ignored.

    Even when LossyQuality line is commented out in dicom.ini, Conquest still does not use these other options.

    Have been trying this for a while unsuccessfully, Am I missing something?

    I would like same instance of conquest to route CRs as jl with quality of 3 and CTs as J4 with quality 75 to the same remote server (for example).


  • Hi,

    this is a bug. The quality factor is recorded from the script clause, but when a compression is selected it is taken from the association, and loses its quality factor. I will try to fix this in the next release.


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