Private transfer syntax UIDs (Philips Gemini)

  • Hi,

    I have some image data produced from Philips PET-CT (GEMINI TF TOF 16), which have been exported to DVD and now I would like to save them in conquest. When I use incoming folder feature of conquest to import these data, conquest gives me "Unknown transfer syntax in..." error.

    Philips uses private transfer syntax UID ( which should be little endian explicit. I have modified the dgatesop.lst config and add this line at the end:
    PhilipsGeminiPETCT transfer LittleEndianExplicit

    However it did not end, and I was still getting the same error. Than I dig in and found out that in trnsync.cxx source file there is a Array of structures defined, called TransferSyntaxAliases. This array is hardcoded within source and the config has no influence on it. When I added the private transfer syntax there and recompile it fixed the issue and I could import a data. I would like to ask for a recommendation whether you think it is safe to have it this way. Or is there a configuration option which allows to extend the accepted transfer syntaxes?

    thanks for help


  • Hi,

    yeah I know that decoder is necessary. This is the problem with private transfer syntaxes. DICOM allows them so some companies (like Philips) use them (for whatever good reason they have) and make the produced DICOM files readable only in their specific applications. From what I learned they call it CT-private-ELE (Explicit Little Endian) so LittleEndianExplicit decoder should be fine with it.

    It contains compressed pixel data, using
    (07a1, 100a) [Tamar Compressed Pixel Data] OB: Array of 6532 bytes
    (07a1, 1011) [Tamar Compression Type] CS: 'PMSCT_RLE1'

    When I imported this file (by modifying hardcoded syntaxes) it look ok, Conquest is still running. The only problem is that viewer has a troubles with representing the image (which is obvious, because it does not known how to decompress this).

    In case you are planning to support this you can check this code:…/Examples/Cxx/rle2img.cxx

    What I did not understand completely in Conquest is that, you can to the configuration of transfer syntaxes in dgatesop.lst file. Why it this not used during data import. Or the other way around when is the transfer syntax configuration in dgtatesop.lst used?


  • Marcel ignore the last questing ... I understand now what is listed in dgatesop.lst are already decoders for image data which are already supported by Conquest and you can just enable or disable them.

    So theoretically I can configure Conquest to take incoming data as is (as) and modify the static structure to so the conquest will be able to store this files. And this way the responsibility to decompress the image will lay on the DICOM viewer.


  • Hi Tomas,

    you can enable/disable transfer syntaxes that are there, but you cannot add new ones without changing the code. The software will not know what to do with them. I have the same issue with MPEG. It cannot be stored as is because conquest expects to be able to recompress it to something else (e.g., UN) and the transfer negotiation is now independent of the stored images.

    You are free to add any type of SOP though.


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