Cannot view Imported Dicom Files

  • we have a CathLab that records images and a Philips machine burns the images of the cath to a CD as a .img.

    KPacs seems to have a hard reading these images from the CD. I clicked on filesystem and opened the images and it just does nothing and says server.ini is corrupted ..reinstall the application; which I did, but it still keeps doing the same thing over & over.

    how do I read these img files.

  • I can query the pacs server on the network and am able to view the images fine.

    but from a cd-rom I cannot import it to the local database..also, when i try to view the images it only shows the first image in a series of images..say, if there are 30 images in a series, it only shows the first image of the 30-image series.

    I checked the variables in kpserver.txt and k-pacs.ini..both point to c:\kpacs\imagebox.


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