dbquery problems

  • Hi Marcel,

    I try to code a script that should do several look-ups.

    The file "aliasfileQX.txt" with line
    "IDWRONG IDRIGHT" and additional newline is in conquest *.exe folder

    ImportConverter2 = set 0010,0020 if "%QX0010,0020"
    ImportConverter2 = set 0010,0020 to "%QX0010,0020"

    to reassign few wrong Patient ID doesn't anything - even in highest debug level, but

    ImportConverter2 = nop "%QX0010,0020"

    shows 'nop "IDRIGHT' in serverstatus.log (missing right doublequote) i.e. the lookup works but set command doesn't.

    The use of dbquery() in lua ImportConverter seems to be limited to a single call per dicom object.
    The first dbquery() is executed correctly but a second crashes the server. For debugging purposes I used exactly the same dbquery() twice.
    In highest debug level I can see the correct SELECT parameters in log only for the first dbquery().
    It doesn't matter if I split the task into different ImportConverter.
    Have I to use another command to free memory or environment after dbquery()?
    I tried this with conquest 1.4.16f under XP64 with MySQL and 32bit XP with SQLite driver with identical results.

    lua call in dicom.ini looks so:

    ImportConverter0 = require('ImpCon'); ImpCon()

    and function ImpCon() is in ImpCon.lua in conquest *.exe folder



  • Hi,

    before it is fixed, you can create a lua program like to emulate the Aliasfile functionality:

    if Data.PatientID == 'wrong' then Data.PatientID = 'right';
    if Data.PatientID == 'left' then Data.PatientID = 'right';



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