How to backup/restore data in Conquest Dicom Server

  • Hi, need your help for setup Conquest Server
    I'm using conquest dicom server for 3 years, install at windows xp . But suddenly my CPU become crashing, so i can't login to windows . But when i check, all the data still in drive C.
    And now, i'm already prepare the new CPU and install with same windows xp. So i want to move all data included image, database, configuration that already at old CPU.
    Would you like to give step by step how to do this?
    So i don't need to configure again in the new CPU. is it possible?
    Thank you for your help.



  • Hi,

    First install 1.4.16.

    The copy all the data. The next step depends on which database you use. Typically you can transfer all data, edit dicom.ini (MAGDevice0) and continue without re-installation or regeneration.

    I read in the post you use mysql. Did you backup the database at times? If not, you may have to recover the database from the table files. I have no experience with that.

    If mysql recovery fails, you need to regenerate the database which may take a long time, but is definitively possible from the data.


  • thank you for your reply.
    before i'm using mysql for database.
    and how to edit dicom.ini ???
    because for PC now , i have 3 partition :
    C:/ for store all data from COnquest dicom server (new)
    E:/ for windows
    F:/ for data.

    i'm extract my dicomserver to partition C.

    But for old PC, there is only 2 partition :
    C:/ for windows system
    D:/ for store data from Conquest dicom server.

    Can you help me again?


  • ok, thanks. I have one question again. if i want fresh install for conquest dicom server with mysql database, what should i do?
    because when i'm check it, my partition D in old CPU that contain conquest dicom server data can't accessible...i'm so sad. :cry:
    But i'm still have a backup of mysql database.

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