Connecting Conquest between two different networks

  • Hi there,

    I installed ConQuest PACS on a computer with ubuntu 10.10 inside my local network. What I'd like to do was to enable access to ConQuest from a computer (w/ K-PACS, for example) outside my local network. I know how to enable access to applications in ConQuest. The major problem is the computer with K-PACS, that is located in another network. I was advised to use a SSH connection between the two machines, using putty on windows and open ssh on ubuntu, but I don't know how to do this. The other problem is that the gateway in the second network (containing K-PACS computer) doesn't have a fix public IP address. Can anyone help me with this?
    Thank you very much in advance. :D
    Best regards,

  • Hi,

    try openssh and myentunnel:

    one machine with conquest
    set server to port 5678; define KPACS AE as
    runs a ssh host like openssh here; enable local and reme port forwarding

    other machine
    kpacs runs at port 104; connect to conquest at
    run myentunnel here; connect it to openssh machine
    tunnel local port 5678 to 5678 on remote machine
    tunnel remote port 104 to 104 on local machine

    good luck!


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