• Hello,
    Thanks for your Dicom Pacs wich seems to be very customizable.
    I want to know how with Lua (or not) to count the number of slice from a specific modality and for a specific series that receive my conquest server.
    i tried the counter saved, received ... but either they count nothing otherwise they count the total of images received, not for a specific series.
    thanks for your answer

  • Hi,

    I believe this could be done for instance by using a third party database driver (SQlite is great), and write records according to tests in lua. There are few global variables you can write to yet, so therefore a database may be the best way to go. You can write into dicom.ini (create an entry yourself and write to e.g., Global.Yourcounter, but this may be a bit slow.


    For instance, if you create CounterCT and CounterMR etc in dicom ini, this may work:

    ImportConverter0 = Global['Counter' .. Data.Modality] = Global['Counter' .. Data.Modality] + 1;


  • Hello, thanks for your reply;
    it seems not to work:

    [PACSBETA] *** lua run error [string "Global['Counter' .. Data.Modality] = Global..."]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on field '?' (a nil value) in 'Global['Counter' .. Data.Modality] = Global['Counter' .. Data.Modality] + 1;'

    with in my dicom.ini:
    Importconverters = 3
    ImportConverter0 = Global['Counter' .. Data.Modality] = Global['Counter' .. Data.Modality] + 1;
    ImportConverter1 = print(Global.CounterCT)
    ImportConverter2 = print(Global.CounterPT)

    is something wrong in my dicom.ini ?

  • Hi,

    it works for me, but you have to manually create the variables in dicom.ini before they can be used.

    Counter = 2

    ImportConverter1 = Global['Counter'] = Global['Counter'] + 1;


  • Thank you for your answer,
    i progress with your help but i have some strange things:

    i do a :
    ImportConverter0 = Global['Counter' .. Data.Modality] = Global['Counter' .. Data.Modality] + 1;
    ImportConverter1 = print(Global.CounterCT)
    it works but the counter stay at the same number for some slice.
    counter: 90, 91 ... in this sample :

    [PACSBETA] 90
    [PACSBETA] 4
    [PACSBETA] 7
    [PACSBETA] Written file: C:\pacstest\Data\11_00914\
    [PACSBETA] Exportconverter0.0 executes: cmd /c mkdir c:\pacstest\jpeg\11_00914\20110301
    [PACSBETA] Exportconverter1.0 executes: dcmj2pnm +oj +Wm C:\pacstest\Data\11_00914\ c:\pacstest\jpeg\11_00914\20110301\
    [PACSBETA] 91
    [PACSBETA] 4
    [PACSBETA] 7
    [PACSBETA] Written file: C:\pacstest\Data\11_00914\
    [PACSBETA] Exportconverter0.0 executes: cmd /c mkdir c:\pacstest\jpeg\11_00914\20110301
    [PACSBETA] Exportconverter1.0 executes: dcmj2pnm +oj +Wm C:\pacstest\Data\11_00914\ c:\pacstest\jpeg\11_00914\20110301\
    [PACSBETA] 91
    [PACSBETA] 4
    [PACSBETA] 7
    [PACSBETA] Written file: C:\pacstest\Data\11_00914\
    [PACSBETA] Exportconverter0.0 executes: cmd /c mkdir c:\pacstest\jpeg\11_00914\20110301
    [PACSBETA] Exportconverter1.0 executes: dcmj2pnm +oj +Wm C:\pacstest\Data\11_00914\ c:\pacstest\jpeg\11_00914\20110301\
    [PACSBETA] 91
    [PACSBETA] 4
    [PACSBETA] 7
    [PACSBETA] Written file: C:\pacstest\Data\11_00914\
    [PACSBETA] Exportconverter0.0 executes: cmd /c mkdir c:\pacstest\jpeg\11_00914\20110301
    [PACSBETA] Exportconverter1.0 executes: dcmj2pnm +oj +Wm C:\pacstest\Data\11_00914\ c:\pacstest\jpeg\11_00914\20110301\
    [PACSBETA] 91
    [PACSBETA] 4
    [PACSBETA] 7
    [PACSBETA] Written file: C:\pacstest\Data\11_00914\
    [PACSBETA] Exportconverter0.0 executes: cmd /c mkdir c:\pacstest\jpeg\11_00914\20110301
    [PACSBETA] Exportconverter1.0 executes: dcmj2pnm +oj +Wm C:\pacstest\Data\11_00914\ c:\pacstest\jpeg\11_00914\20110301\
    [PACSBETA] 91
    [PACSBETA] 4
    [PACSBETA] 7
    [PACSBETA] Written file: C:\pacstest\Data\11_00914\
    [PACSBETA] Exportconverter0.0 executes: cmd /c mkdir c:\pacstest\jpeg\11_00914\20110301
    [PACSBETA] Exportconverter1.0 executes: dcmj2pnm +oj +Wm C:\pacstest\Data\11_00914\ c:\pacstest\jpeg\11_00914\20110301\
    [PACSBETA] 92
    [PACSBETA] 4
    [PACSBETA] 7
    [PACSBETA] Written file: C:\pacstest\Data\11_00914\
    [PACSBETA] Exportconverter1.0 executes: dcmj2pnm +oj +Wm C:\pacstest\Data\11_00914\ c:\pacstest\jpeg\11_00914\20110301\
    [PACSBETA] Exportconverter0.0 executes: cmd /c mkdir c:\pacstest\jpeg\11_00914\20110301
    [PACSBETA] 92
    [PACSBETA] 4
    [PACSBETA] 7

    i realize another strange things :
    when i send 230 slices of CT from a scanner to conquest (Pacsbeta) ; pacsbeta receive 230 slices but the export converter make only 222 jpg images ...

    i dont understand why ...
    if you have some explanation ... thank you very much !
    (my aim is a jpg by slice and the count of slice )
    best regards

  • well after some time i realize that i was in beta patch 4 ...
    with the patch 6,
    the number of JPG is the same of the number of dicom slice : cool !
    but (there is a but...) i have the same pb with my counter .....
    while conquest compute slices the counter stay at the same number....
    if you have an idea ....
    best regards

  • Hi,

    I now realize dicom.ini has a caching function. It will only check for updates once a second. so it will often read the old counter. So I guess that is the issue. I will add it to the bug list.


  • Hello Marcel,
    thanks for your answer,

    i have installed the new version 16;
    i see that now the counter is saved in the dicom.ini but there is always the same strange wrong counting....

    And the last problem wich was solved by the RC6 reappear: some slice are not converted in JPEG...(if i have a patient CT with 230 slice , i have 230 slice in conquest but there is only 216 JPEG after conversion with 1.4.16 non beta.
    If you have some idea ...
    Best regards,

  • Ah,

    I force a retest of the ini file, but the filetime used has a resolution of 1 s as well, so this ini file thing is not fixed yet. Sorry for that, added to buglist.

    I am really not sure what happens with the missing jpeg images. rc6 was not changed a lot for the final release. You can maybe try the new "save jpg to ...." export converter.


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