some Siemens Avanto series problem

  • Hello, I successfully set Conquest server from long time, but last time one thing is very curious for me.

    Original (from MR-console) siemens MR series are transferring very well, but on our reconstruction computer with Leonardo software we sometimes do some other jobs, and we wish to transfer additional seriers to our research conquest PACS.
    But that additional series don't transfer at all.
    For my first quick look - spectroscopy series (and some others) from neuro mr series for example.
    Our Leonardo software is very difficult for debugging purpose so I only just give you an entry problem.

    Is this possible to add some series identification SOP lines to dgatesop.lst file?


  • Hi Marcel,

    How can I accept transfer to conquest the private syntax SOP (SIEMENS CSA NON-IMAGE) - raw data? - In log I had conn terminated.
    Adding this in dgatesop.lst (maybe I have incorectly added this class) doesn't functioning.
    Is this big problem to incorporate this spectro data?


  • hello, adding sop - nothing changed.
    is there another fix for this kind of data?

    Anyway is there an option to automatically recognize that in nki v2 format some series cannot be encoded (error is "SaveToDisk: cannot rewrite jpeg/rle image in v2 format: ....a2f7.v2"


  • Hi Bart,

    conquest should be able accept anything. You might try to block each and every sop line out of dgatesop.lst. This would force conquest to accept everything.

    The message about rewriting is a warning only. Apparently the data is already on disk, but in a v2 (non-truly dicom) format. If you need it in dicom, delete the study with the v2 files before resending it, and make sure you configure the server to save with .dcm extension.


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