Trouble importing jpeg lossless CT/MR studies

  • Running Conquest v1.4.16beta5


    We have years worth of old studies we would like to import into conquest. Only the CT and MR studies are giving us problems. All of our CT/MR studies that we are wanting to store on Conquest are JPEG Lossless compressed and can be sent to conquest and received without any problems. I am sending them to the destination AE title as-is, for example 'CONQUEST~as'. This will not change the compression of the already lossless compressed CT or MR study. Again, conquest stores the study(ies) just fine, the problem is when I go to pull one of these studies from conquest to my workstation. It will transfer okay from conquest to my workstation (GE Centricity) but it will not display the image for viewing. It shows up in its database, but it gives me an error message of 'validation for display failed'. I have also tried these same studies with Clearcanvas workstation and it also fails to display the images with the error 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' If these same images are not put through conquest first they will display just fine in other various viewers.

    In conquest, I can view the study with the built in K-pacs viewer just fine, but when I transfer it to other viewers, it fails to display. I am not sending the studies compressed to the remote AE titles and I have tried disabling 'UseBuiltInJPEG' and then transferring the study(ies) with no luck. Can anyone offer any other suggestions to help us out? I have some sample anonymized images I can share for testing if needed.

    Thank you

  • Hi,

    can you mail me or lambert some sample images? If you disable UseBuiltInJPEG did you put the dcmd/cjpeg executables in the server folder? In the latter case, the server uses the old de-compression code, this seems like an issue in the new buil-in decompressor.


  • Marcel,

    Yes, I'll send you a .zip file of some sample images. To answer your other question, I did find the dcmd/cjpeg executables inside of v1.4.15 and put them inside of my conquest directory. I didn't receive any strange error message so I assumed that the decompression worked as intended.

    Thanks for your help on this

  • Marcel,

    Yes, I tried both settings in the .ini file, shut down Conquest and started it back up. I tried both of the following settings: UseBuiltInJPEG= 0 and UseBuiltInJPEG= 1. Can I ask what viewers you have tried with the images I sent?


  • Hi,

    I seem to have located the issue: the novel jpeg code does not always perform uncompression on "un". In other words, the original JPEG image is transmitted unsollicited. This definitively needs a quick fix release.


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