
  • Hi

    What is the correct usage of --grabimagesfromserver?

    I tried running this against a running windows Conquest as "dgate.exe -grabimagesfromserver:RADIOLOGYBU,2010" in an effort to grab all images from RADIOLOGYBU that dont exist on this server.

    [PACSTESTMRN] Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'
    [PACSTESTMRN] 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    [PACSTESTMRN] 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    [PACSTESTMRN] 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    [PACSTESTMRN] 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    [PACSTESTMRN] 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    [PACSTESTMRN] 9999,0300 42 UN "Server command sent using DGATE -- option"
    [PACSTESTMRN] 9999,0400 38 UN "grabimagesfromserver:RADIOLOGYBU,2010"
    [PACSTESTMRN] Server command sent using DGATE -- option
    [PACSTESTMRN] Grab - finished

    Is all I get.

    tried -gserver:RADIOLOGYBU,2010 also with no results.

    Basically I want to populate a new instance (B) with all studies/images from server (A).



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