disable multiple associations?

  • Marcel,

    We've been using a Conquest instance to queue up studies to send to a CD burner at night. Conquest dutifully recieves the studies sent to it during the day and defers the send till the specified hour. The problem is that Conquest is opening multiple associations to send multiple patients/studies. Normally this would be great but in this case, our burner can't handle the deluge and loses its mind so to speak burning multiple disks per patient.

    Now for the question...

    Can we force Conquest to send one study or patient at a time?

    As always, thanks for the help!


  • Sorry for the delay...here ya go!

    # Configuration of forwarding and/or converter programs to export DICOM slices
    ForwardAssociationLevel = PATIENT

    ForwardAssociationCloseDelay = 5
    ForwardAssociationRefreshDelay = 3600
    ForwardAssociationRelease = 0

    # Configuration of rules to modify, log or reject incoming DICOM slices
    ImportConverters = 2
    ImportConverter0 = ifequal "%m", "PR"; destroy
    ImportConverter1 = set 0010,0020 to "%V0010,0010[0,1]%V0010,0030[0,3]"

    ExportConverters = 1
    ExportConverter0 = between "5","23"; defer; forward to IOW_DVR1_RIM

    ForwardCollectDelay = 600
    MaximumExportRetries = 0
    MaximumDelayedFetchForwardRetries = 2

  • Marcel, now I get this error...

    [IOW_DVR10_CNQ] UPACS THREAD 5: STARTED AT: Wed Aug 19 16:16:13 2009
    [IOW_DVR10_CNQ] Calling Application Title : "IOW_DVR10_CNQ "
    [IOW_DVR10_CNQ] Called Application Title : "IOW_DVR10_CNQ "
    [IOW_DVR10_CNQ] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 16384
    [IOW_DVR10_CNQ] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    [IOW_DVR10_CNQ] C-Move Destination: "IOW_DVR1_RIM "
    [IOW_DVR10_CNQ] ***preretrieve/forward xxx to: remote DICOM error
    [IOW_DVR10_CNQ] C-Move (PatientRoot)
    [IOW_DVR10_CNQ] UPACS THREAD 5: ENDED AT: Wed Aug 19 16:16:13 2009

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