Does anyone have objection from me ressurecting the code found in the project found below produced by Gavin? The files I found are from an alpha1 zip that I came across. I believe he has opted to pursue creating an adobe flash based system from what I've gathered. Although impressive, I am more interested in the original project code. I have installed the package on a WAMP box and started adding code where he left off. I would like to bring it back to life and make it functional and possibly even get the stratos viewer working like he originally intended. So far I have been working on including user management and the possibility of adding Active Directory/LDAP authentication integration. Another nice feature I had in mind was a user request form that referring physicians could use to request access and require approval through the admin. We could limit physicians to viewing only cases that they referred etc. I like the idea of keeping it apache/php/mysql and possibly some javascript/AJAX too. The windows setup works good but I would like to include cross platform compatibility for unix/linux as an install option. This shouldn't be hard if we keep to open source tools.…server-web-interface.html
Any thoughts or suggestions?