Importconverter question/problem

  • hey all -

    I'm trying to change the accession number (0008,0050) to "OUTSIDE - hospital name" based on the institution name (0008,0080), and it seems to work with one importconverter but not with multiple importconverters. I do have 19 of these rules in my dicom.ini file, but I will just post a few here as examples so see if I have them formatted right. When I send a study to conquest I can see it going through every import rule, but every study that goes through conqeust, no matter where its from (in the institution name) always ends up with whatever the last importerconverter in the list says to set in the 'accession_number field'. Here is what I have in my dicom.ini file:

    importconverter0 = set 0008,0050 to "OUTSIDE - NWMC"
    ifequal "%V0008,0080","North Radiology"
    importconverter1 = set 0008,0050 to "OUTSIDE - ST Mary's"
    ifequal "%V0008,0080","St. Mary's Hospital"
    importconverter2 = set 0008,0050 to "OUTSIDE - Urologic Spec"

    Thanks for your help on this.

  • Beautiful -- it works, just as it should.

    --so the maximum number of importconverters that will work are 20 only?

    Can I also make this statement conditional? Would I use a "ifcontains" instead of "ifequal" & can I use wildcards for the "ifcontains" to match on like in the example below?

    like: importconverter0 = ifcontains "%V0008,0080","Nor*"; set 0008,0050 to "OUTSIDE - NWMC"

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