Invoke script when CT received

  • I'm recently interested in setting up a server to do some automated tasks.

    (1) Run plastimatch to generate atlas-based segmentation
    (2) Run IQWorks to generate CT QA report

    The scripting is really powerful.
    So far I am successful getting my script to run for each slice using ImportConverter0.
    Is there any way to run a script after all slices of a CT arrive?
    What do you recommend?

    Thank you,

  • Hi Greg,

    Use 1.4.17beta2 and try e.g.,

    importconverter0 = process series after 60 with script.lua %PatientID:%SeriesInstanceUID

    This starts the script once for each series 60 s after receiving first slice. You can do this at series or study level.

    The lua variable command_line gives you the parameters.


  • Thank you Marcel! Looks promising.

    I'm assuming that the 60 second delay is a heuristic to make sure all the slices have arrived. Do you know of any method for achieving a guarantee? For example, dicom workflow?


  • Hi Marcel,

    A little follow-up. I have tested your suggestion, and it seems to be working very well indeed! For example, I can execute a perl script like this:

    ImportConverter0 = process image after 5 by /usr/bin/perl

    Of course, I next try a lua script using "process by" which has access to conquest database. My testing suggests this is not possible. Am I missing something?

    Thank you,

  • Hi Greg,

    lua scripts can indeed access the database using dbquery() and sql() commands, or do dicom queries usifn dicomquery(). See:…pic.php?f=33&t=2478#p8564

    for details. You have to pass a command line from the importconverter though to know what to query. The 60 second is based on heuristics, there is no workflow implemented. In practice I use 600 s for real live code to be on the safe side, and 10 s for tests.


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