Still Problems on win7 - when changing dicom.ini on the fly

  • dear Marcel,

    I'm still getting error from conquest at random,


    the server is not running properly, no connection
    probable cause NT service failed to start (check user and password)

    even in the service is installed!

    do you know why? version 16 on win 7 home premium

  • Hi,

    Can you verify that if you get the error, the server IS running? For instance by doing a query. It may be that the error occurs because the test of the GUI times out (It is set to 2s I believe).



  • dear Marcel, I downloaded 1.4.17 alpha and installed to my customer

    now when I click kill and restart I've got this message:

    failed to stop service - you may need to run this program as administrator

    even If i put in the link run as administrator!!!!!

    please find a solution!!!!

    win7 home premium 64bit SP1

    this is pacstrouble

    20130507 10:53:32 ***Failed to Listen () - bind error
    20130507 10:55:23 ***Failed to Listen () - bind error
    20130507 10:55:39 ***Failed to Listen () - bind error
  • Hi,

    I think the server is running twice. The 1.4.17 is not different it just has some more error messages.

    try this:

    kill all dgate.exe

    run GUI as admininstrator
    uninstall as service
    make sure there are no duplicate services configured
    reinstall as service


  • dear Marcel, this morning another problem

    at the start of win, conquest service is present but not working, clicking on the gui shortcut I get this error:

    the server is installed as service but the service is not running
    attempting to start the conquestsvr1 now

    then a new installation start??!?!?!!?

    what is happening????

  • Hi Marcel!

    I'm still getting problems with conquest and w7 or vista. Just about two hour ago, on a vista machine the service failed to start, opening the GUI it asked me again as for first installation, it seems the the configuration file became corrupted or missing

    this is not the first time i encounter this problem.
    Other problem is that, even if the service is running, opening the gui it says the service is not running properly, attempting to start, and so on

    So How can I do to make the service running ever?

    Let me know, in waiting to hear from You, best regards,


  • Hi Ciro,

    this sounds like dicom.ini is deleted or not found. I do not see this unless I start ConquestDicomServer.exe in the wrong folder (not in the folder where dicom.ini is). If it is on a network drive or removable drive that is not always available or changes drive letter, windows may lose the startup folder in a shortcut which would have this effect.

    I generally do not run Conquest as a service, but it does work for me on WIN7 (just tested).



  • So, you give me an hint!
    I recreate dicom.ini each time (changes the destination path of the images) as you can see from the following code (is visual foxpro)

    maybe something goes wrong during this? how can I check or make a better batch to do what i need?

    thanks, regards

  • Ah,

    and that explains some crashes too. If you change MAGDEVICE0 but do not create the printer_files folder the browser will die.

    What are you actually trying to do, when you modify dicom.ini? Just change the destination folder? And change it to what?


  • ok, but sometimes it works, If i remember, the printer_files is created automatically by conquest.
    Of course, I can create it too if can solve the problem.

    By the way, i have an ultrasound EMR in which the doctor, in the pc, put the info for a written report. I use conquest to integrate to this report the images from ultrasound machine.

    each examination (or report) as a progressive number that is different from id on ultrasound machine, and each examination has a different folder to store images coming from us machine, ad es.

    exam 123456
    path c:\usimages\123456\1.jpg, 2.jpg,..... (i convert them to jpg with dcm2jpg)

    i thinked of generating dinamically the dicom.ini with updated path when a new examination starts and tell dgate to read ini before sending the image.

    w_path_dicom is a variable that stores the complete path of the examination.

    On win xp I get very small problems, on win 7 many.
    If there's an alternative method, please tell me how to do.... regards,

  • Hi,

    I am not sure that it works that way. Let's see. But you can change parameters in a running dicom server using dgate -- commands. The issue with Lua is that there a few places to store global variables.


  • same problem, runs fine for three-four studies, sometimes also for two days then it crash.

    last solution: i don't change dinamically dicom.ini, i receive the images in the stardard folder (e.g. c:\conquest\images) then I move them via batch into my application's correct path

    what do you think about?

    how regarding dgate commands to change magdevices?? do you have an example?

    let me know, regards,

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