Add a new Series into a Study AFTER import.

  • Hello IMAGE Info Sys Ltd Community,

    I am a network/sys admin trying to find my end-users a way to be able to add their demographic info sheet and MR reports to the already existing DICOM images sent from the MR workstation (Hitachi proprietary Linux-based OS). The Hitachi workstation automatically sends the MR images to my K-Pacs workstation (Windows Server 2003 R2) and from there the users can export these images to other DICOM nodes via AE-Titles, so that part is working well.

    I did some research and the documentation on this seems to be sparse, but apparently if you drag and drop a study from the modality column onto the "Import" button from the main GUI, you can "merge" that series with an already existing study. However, when I try to do so, it merely pulls up the Import dialog, where I can name it (and I have tried naming the test image and supplying the exact same demographic info as for an already existing study), import it as DICOM (the image is originally JPG as it is scanned in by a twain scanner), but I see no option to add it to an existing study.

    What am I missing? I see the selections at bottom e.g. same study, different series in a study, and one other that I don''t remember, but trying all 3 yielded nothing. So until I have a solution, I am required to have the end users at one radiology center push (export) the study to a different branch which uses Digital Jacket, have those end-users add the demo info and report, and THEN export from there to our datacenter (long-term archive). There HAS to be some way to add this at the center where the study is actually conducted and cut out the middle-man. I look forward to your suggestions...please be as specific as possible when replying as I am new to K-Pacs and indeed DICOM and other medical software as well. Thank you in advance for your help with this issue.

  • Dear AlliedMedImaging

    The feature you are looking for can be found in our iQ-VIEW workstation software. There it works exactly in the way you describe:

      - You drag the study where you want to add something onto the "Import" button.
      - The "Import" dialog opens, the patient information is filled in automatically.
      - You import the images you wish to attach (e.g. from directory, TWAIN source, etc.).
      - You select whether you want to attach all imported images in one series ("same series" option") or each in a separate series ("same study but different series" option).
      - Then you import the images into your imagebox.
      - The images are attached to the original study in one or more new series.

    The procedure is also described in the user manual which comes together with the iQ-VIEW software. Check it out.

  • Ok, thank you for your response and explanation Sabine.

    Do you mean to say that there is no way to add to a study once it is imported using the basic K-Pacs installment? I don't see any pricing info at the linked-page you posted but noticed links from there to sales/brokers. Do you have a ballpark estimate for if we wanted IQ-View on approximately 5 workstations? Thanks in advance!

  • Dear AlliedMedImaging

    This is correct; the feature is not available in K-PACS.

    For price information and/or information about available local resellers, I would suggest that you contact our sales department directly. I have forwarded your inquiry to our U.S. sales team. They will get in contact with you as soon as possible. If you wish, you may also simply send an email to sales [at] including your contact details.

    I hope that helps.

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