Multi Threading?

  • Hi Marcel,

    Is Conquest multi-threaded? Does it allow for more than one process to happen at the same time or are commands processed sequentially?
    We are having some speed issues and we can not identify the cause.
    We have a Windows 2008 Server x64 with Intel Xeon 5405 2GHz, 4GB RAM.
    The system does not seem to be taking any strain and we do not appear to have any networking issues.
    We suspect that Conquest may be queuing tasks which is resulting in the slowdown.
    Is this possible or is there something we are missing?


  • Is there a way to improve the performance of this queue?

    I was looking through the documentation and noted the following:


    The following hidden option exists: when the service buttons are alt-right clicked, the service is
    installed four times (e.g., with ports 5678…5681). Each server runs independently against the
    same data(base). Use to increase speed or reliability or for testing purposes.

    I was wondering how this works? Does it install 4 seperate instances that need to be addressed indipendatly?
    (i.e. will I have to configure the modalities to access the server on different ports to increase performance?)

  • Hi,

    Take care: this feature has been tested with MSSql only, and will may work (but is untested) with MySQL. It will fail with the more simple database driver. An indeed, with that feature each server will have another port. I am not sure it will solve your problem though. Did you figure out why your server is slow?


  • The server itself is not slow, but when sending images to Conquest it is slow.
    I do not see anything obvious in the task manager that shows the server is taking strain.

    We have an auto-forward enabled:
    ForwardAssociationLevel = IMAGE
    ExportConverters = 1
    ExportConverter0 = forward to IMPAX62

    I am storing the images as J2.
    DGATE.exe is only using about 60MB of memory at the moment
    mysql is only using about 31MB of Memory
    The database has +/- 3.2 Million images in the images database.

    I tried increasing the QueueSize from 128 to 256 and have noticed no difference.
    Any other ideas on what could be causing slow write speeds?

  • I was looking in the manual again :)

    I saw some things relating to the forward association level and I was wondering if I changed the forward association level to Patient if it would increase write performance.
    As far as I can determine what is happening currently is the following:
    1.) Image Recieved
    2.) Image converted to j2
    3.) Image converted to un
    4.) Image forwarded to Server
    5.) Goto 1.

    Would it make any performance difference if I the forward and import converter instead of an export converter?
    Or would it be better to change the forward association to patient?


  • Hi,

    Try using "forward series to XXXXX" or "forward study to XXXXX". This will wait a while and then asynchroniously send the entore recieved series/study over a single association. The queue for forward should probably be thousands of images for it to not slow down the server, especially when the server being forwarded to is slow.


  • Hi

    Forwarding "study" or "series" level should make ist faster I tested that some time ago ( i think conqurest even has a "delay" function for forwarding so that it starts after other jobs are done)
    If you have 3.2M+ images and Mysql process only has 32mb there could also be a bottleneck slowing you down.
    For example our mysql process has usually 130-200mb, depends on how long the server is up.
    You might want to checkt the msql setting how much ram it is allowed to use to cache tables and how many multiple connections it is confugured for.

  • ...mhh not "really"

    After some testing I discovered that on fast HDs MySQl will be confronted by Conquest with 80-120 queries during rebuild.
    In "daily life" average MySQl connections reach up to 15-20 (depending on your enviroment / users)
    Database size for approx. 1M images is about 1GB to 1,125GB

    I am runnig InnoDB with a max of 125 connections, I allow MySQl to use 800MB of ram on a machine with 3GB ram (on a dedicated server I would suggest about 1.2GB), if you are interested
    in the specific cache settings let me know - I have too look them up. (but I am not a sql specialist :-)
    I assume the most gain in terms of speed you will get with running the databse on a dedicated 15k rpm disc.

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