Send to local server for compression - question

  • I read in another thread that you can transfer a study from/to the same conquest server in order to compress it, after changing the configuration to store images compressed.

    My question is, does that result in 2 sets of images, one compressed and one not? Do I have to delete the uncompressed study manually?

    Another sort-of related question - I'm going to be migrating data from another server (non-conquest) to Conquest. It is probable that some cases will be sent twice (at least!) by accident - Will Conquest store duplicates with different UIDs, or will it reject them as duplicates?



  • Hi,

    conquest stores stuff based on UIDs. So recompressing or sending thing twice will NOT make duplicates. Re-sending anything will overwrite what was there before. If you send stuff to itself, it is read into memory, possibly compressed and written over the original file on disk. Note: depending on the filenames, you are stuck with NKI compression (for V2 files) or JPEG compression (for DCM files). I would backup (part of) your data before compressing it just to be sure all is OK.


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