(Re)-initialize database won't run exportConverters

  • Hi,

    I'm using exportconverters to covert dicom images to small size jpg. If I clear the image database and run (Re)-initialize database, it recreates all the images and populates all tables, but exportconverters are not run. The scenario I was hoping was to overwrite the existing JPG images via re-running exportconverts when databse is re-initialized. What I'm seeing,is it expected behavior?

    While at it, I may as well ask another question - is there a way to add your own private column to study table? I tried adding a field in the dicom.sql under study table with syntax 0X000, 0x000 or something similar and it didn't work. I don't expect it to be filled with Dicom data, but is to be used for some other external use.


  • My understanding is that re-initialize only rebuilds the database. To have the exportconverters run you either have to drag and drop the files or setup a second instance of conquest with the same MAG device and copy all images from one server to the other.

    For the second question, which database are you using?
    I tried adding { 0xFFFE, 0x00DD, "MyTagItem", 32, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR } to dicom.sql using mysql as the database and did a dgate -i and the column was created correctly:

  • Thanks Mark.

    I'm using MySql and I'll try command line dgate -i as you mentioned.

    There's another question I've, which I'm not sure is a bug or not. I bumped TruncateFieldNames = 55, so I could use the full field names as column names and it worked fine. The only problem is I can't use the Dicomserver UI DB browser as somehow it's giving an error looking for truncated field names. DB Browser UI works fine if I truncate the fields to default value TruncateFieldNames = 10. Is BrowseThroughDBF field still valid and can it be reused in 1414 version?

    Thanks for all the help.


  • Hi,

    As far as the first question is concerned: it is also possible to send images from the server to itself to do some data processing (as long as the file name stays the same) such as downsizing. However, you lose your original, so be careful.


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