Novice question about restricted access

  • I'm a noobie in Dicom area. My forte is Telecom software. I'm helping a friend of mine to use Conquest server to receive images forwarded by PACS in his remote satellite offices. He wants to use their existing internal web-interface to show patient information. Is there a way to restrict access, so that remote satellite clinic can view patient information only uploaded by them? Any Dicom field or combination of fields which can be used to identify if images were pushed by the same or different remote PACS server? I thought remote AE information might help in this case but I couldn't find that information in any of the Dicom tables patient, studies, series or images.

    Any help in guiding toward the correct solution is highly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance

  • Hi,

    You can add a lot of information to DICOM objects using import converters (such as the originator AE) - and add it to the database as well. That may allow you to build your restriction. Do you have control over the viewing application? If not, you may have to install multiple servers and use ImportConverters to filter a priory (it can reject any incoming data), and then only allow viewing of a server with filtered information.


  • Thanks Marcel for the quick response. I've access to the viewing app. Idea is to use the viewing app which looks at the conquest database to retrieve only those images which were forwarded by particular remote clinic. So looks like Originator AE information is the only way to distinguish that?

    Being a noobie, I didn't understand how I can use the Importconverter to add originator field to the dicomstudy table (if this is the right place?) Could you please provide an example for the importconverter and what value to add for OriginaterAE field in the dicom Study table, i.e. {0x...., 0x...., 'originatorAe',64, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR}.


  • Marcel, Thanks for the earlier tip, it helped to find the solution. I had to read up on what VR meant :D .
    In case any one else is interested it was pertty easy.

    Add to dicom.ini file
    #ImportConverter to set calling AE
    ImportConverter0 = set 0040,0001 to "%u"

    Add following line to dicom.sql file under study table.
    { 0x0040, 0x0001, "originating_ae", 16, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR}

    This will fill calling AE field in the study table.


  • Hi,

    you need to regenerate the database after you do this. This tag (0004,0001) = "Scheduled Station AE Title" seems a reasonable tag to use, but is is also used in the Worklist. I do not believe this is an issue (there are no queries that mix the worklist with the images), but take care anyway.


  • Marcel,
    I took it out of the worklist. I've another question - is there a way to get the ipaddress of the remote AE, in case there is an AE name clash and ipaddress is guaranteed to be unqiue over the internet?


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