Re-initialise while live

  • I'm wondering if anyone has implemented a method for re-initializing Conquest while it is still live.
    I have thought of running two installations of conquest using the same data but different SQL databases.

    Is there any other way to reinitialise Conquest? I have 10^6 images and reinitialization will take more than 3 days.
    I think that the biggest bottleneck is that the images must be stored on a NAS. dgate.exe is only using about 1% of CPU.

  • Hi,

    Indeed, use two servers. Install a new one to reinit (pointing to the old data), and then add the images that were loaded during the past three days with drag and drop or using dgate --regendir:MAG0,dir for each directory modified.


  • In my case I've created two installations using mysql as a database backend

    C:\dicomserver (SQLServer=conquest)

    C:\alt_dicomserver (SQLServer=alt_conquest)

    I'm rebuilding the "alt" server and then I should just be able to copy the mysql tables, overwriting the original dicomserver.

    As you have shown, I can even re-import individual directories if new files have been added in the meantime.

    Rebuild is about 59 hours for 1.8M instances on 2Tb.


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