Duplicate SOPInstanceUID behaviour

  • I have recently come across an error in one of our nuclear medicine acquisition systems that causes it to occasionally create a duplicate SOPInstanceUID for some files. I only discovered the problem because of an error message like this

    Fri Aug 29 14:38:54 2008 ***Error saving to SQL: 1024854/1.2.840.113704.1.111.3996.1201730796.5/1.2.840.113704.1.111.4380.1200880593.13/1.2.840.113704.1.111.2172.1200880624.226.dcm
    Fri Aug 29 14:38:54 2008 ***[AddImageFile] Error entering object into server: /pacs/tmp/20080430/NAME_20080828_090331341/NM.

    I think the SQL insert failed because it would have created a duplicate index entry on SOPInstanc in DICOMImages as another image with UID 1.2.840.113704.1.111.2172.1200880624.226 already exists.
    I can fix this by generating a new SOP with dcmtk, but I was wondering what the correct action of the pacs should be.

  • Hi,

    I believe the correct action is to refuse. However, it does not refuse on the same image UID but on an image with the same image UID and a different SeriesUID. This image would be orphaned as explained in the "change patient ID" post.


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