• Can anybody help me with auto routing function of conquest server?

    I need to send data,incoming to the conquest server from MR_SCANNER to osirix.

    i have added osirix to the "known dicom providers"
    and change dicom.ini with following lines:

    ForwardAssociationLevel = series
    closedelay = 5
    refreshdelay = 3600
    exportmodality0 = MR
    exportstationname0 = MR_SCANNER
    ExportCalledAE0 = *
    ExportCallingAE0 = *
    Exportconverter = forward to osirix

    incoming images storing in conquest DB but auto routing does not work:(
    what is ExportCalledAE0 and ExportCallingAE0?

  • Try:

    Exportmodality0 = MR
    ExportCallingAE0 = MR_SCANNER
    ExportConverter0 = forward to osirix

    The calling AE is the system originating the data, the called AE is the AE being called (e.g., CONQUESTSRV1), for which conquest accepts any name. You were also missing the 0 in ExportConverter0


  • Thank you Marcel!
    But i have a more sophisticated problem.
    I am trying to set up a remote connection to the server through the internet.
    server`s machine connected to internet by adsl router with static IP address. The port forwarding enabled on the router to route packets from wan side to the server`s machine on the lan side. i can connect to the conuqest, can retrieve the list of patients, but when i am trying to retrieve images from the conuqest i have an error "Remote DICOM error" at the client side, and error "Host did not accept the connection" at the server side.
    My friend and me also trying connect machines through HAMACHI tunnel. We have the same situation In this way.
    what u can advice us.

    with best regards,Andrey Chastostupov.

  • Hi,

    Hi, you need to get the MOVE working from the server yo your client. I.e., the IP adress and port of your client in the DICOM server should tunnel to your client. This is a reverse connection that needs to be setup seperately.


  • do you mean what we need 2 tunnels? The first one is from client to server and a second is from server to the client?
    may i also ask you give me advice about software for tunneling which work fine ?
    I am sorry for my english and many stupid questions:)

  • Here is a tunnel setup that works using putty:

    I use putty to login with ssh into my raspberry pi (a $25 linux machine that fits in the palm of you hand) at home, on which I enables ssh, and succesfully compiled conquest 1.4.17alpha

    In putty I set these tunnels:

    L5679 --> R127.0.0.1:5678
    R5679 --> L127.0.0.1:5678

    In my local locally I put:
    RASPBERRYPI 5679 un

    In the raspberry pi I put:
    CONQUESTSRV1 5679 un

    Now I have full DICOM connectivity with my RASPBERRY pi at home tunneled over ssh.


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