Study Fordwarding is slow

  • I setup Conquest to forward CT images to several GE AW4.3 Workstations. When the images are sent to the server the network utilization approaches 25-30%. When the images are forwarding the network utilization only reaches 2%. I have tried several different configurations on the exportconverter with no change. I believe the network is working properly too because of the import speeds. I am on a gigabit network.

    Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.

    WIN7 Pro 64-bit
    3GB RAM
    HPZ800 WS

    # This file contains configuration information for the DICOM server
    # Do not edit unless you know what you are doing

    MicroPACS = sscscp
    Edition = Personal

    # Network configuration: server name and TCP/IP port#
    MyACRNema = ODBTX
    TCPPort = 5678

    # Reference to other files: known dicom servers; database layout; sops
    ACRNemaMap =
    kFactorFile = dicom.sql
    SOPClassList = dgatesop.lst

    # Host(ignored), name, username and password for ODBC data source
    SQLHost = localhost
    SQLServer = C:\Conquest_Broadcast\dicomserver1416\Data\dbase\conquest.db3
    Username =
    Password =
    SqLite = 1
    BrowseThroughDBF = 1
    DoubleBackSlashToDB = 0
    UseEscapeStringConstants = 0

    # Configure database
    TruncateFieldNames = 10
    MaxFieldLength = 254
    MaxFileNameLength = 255
    FixPhilips = 0
    FixKodak = 0
    KeepAlive = 60
    LargeFileSizeKB = 4096
    PrintSquareLandscape = 0
    UseKpacsDecompression = 1
    ZipTime = 05:
    UIDPrefix = 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.135.734387.34701165
    EnableReadAheadThread = 1
    PatientQuerySortOrder =
    StudyQuerySortOrder =
    SeriesQuerySortOrder =
    ImageQuerySortOrder =
    EnableComputedFields = 1
    IndexDBF = 1
    PackDBF = 0
    LongQueryDBF = 1000
    TCPIPTimeOut = 300
    FailHoldOff = 10
    RetryDelay = 60
    RetryForwardFailed = 0
    ImportExportDragAndDrop = 0
    QueueSize = 2400
    WorkListMode = 0
    WorkListReturnsISO_IR_100 = 1
    DebugLevel = 0
    Prefetcher = 0
    LRUSort =
    AllowTruncate =
    DecompressNon16BitsJpeg = 1
    UseBuiltInJPEG = 1
    LossyQuality = 95
    IgnoreOutOfMemoryErrors = 0
    NoDICOMCheck = 0
    PadAEWithZeros = 0
    FileNameSyntax = 8

    # Configuration of compression for incoming images and archival
    DroppedFileCompression = as
    IncomingCompression = as
    ArchiveCompression = as

    # Names of the database tables
    PatientTableName = DICOMPatients
    StudyTableName = DICOMStudies
    SeriesTableName = DICOMSeries
    ImageTableName = DICOMImages
    DMarkTableName = DICOMAccessUpdates
    RegisteredMOPDeviceTable = RegisteredMOPIDs

    # Banner and host for debug information
    PACSName = ODBTX
    OperatorConsole =

    # Configure email of error messages
    MailHost =
    MailPort = smtp
    MailSignon =
    MailFromName =
    MailRcptName1 =
    MailCollectTime = 1
    MailWaitTime = 10

    # Configuration of disk(s) to store images
    MAGDeviceThreshhold = 300
    MAGDeviceFullThreshHold = 30
    IgnoreMAGDeviceThreshold = 0
    MAGDevices = 1
    MAGDevice0 = E:\data\
    NightlyCleanThreshhold = 0

    # Configuration of forwarding and/or converter programs to export DICOM slices
    ForwardAssociationLevel = STUDY
    ForwardAssociationCloseDelay = 5
    ForwardAssociationRefreshDelay = 3600
    ForwardAssociationRelease = 1

    ExportConverters = 6
    ExportCallingAE0 = vct1
    ExportConverter0 = forward patient to WS04; forward patient to WS02; forward patient to WS07; forward patient to WS08; forward patient to WS09
    ExportCallingAE1 = vct2
    ExportConverter1 = forward patient to WS02; forward patient to WS04; forward patient to WS06; forward patient to WS07; forward patient to WS08; forward patient to WS09
    ExportCallingAE2 = ctqxi
    ExportConverter2 = forward patient to WS02; forward patient to WS04; forward patient to WS05; forward patient to WS07; forward patient to WS08; forward patient to WS09
    ExportCallingAE3 = ct01
    ExportConverter3 = forward patient to WS02; forward patient to WS04; forward patient to WS07; forward patient to WS08; forward patient to WS09
    ExportCallingAE4 = WS05
    ExportConverter4 = forward patient to WS04; forward patient to WS02; forward patient to WS07; forward patient to WS08; forward patient to WS09
    ExportCallingAE5 = WS06
    ExportConverter5 = forward patient to WS04; forward patient to WS02; forward patient to WS07; forward patient to WS08; forward patient to WS09

    ForwardCollectDelay = 60
    MaximumExportRetries = 0
    MaximumDelayedFetchForwardRetries = 0

  • Hi,

    'forward patient' just sets a queue entry. When are things slow, right from the start, or when forwarding has commenced? I would also suggest to use at least 'forward study', as forward patient my send too much.


  • Thanks for the reply.

    It is slow when forwarding has commenced. While watching the log I can see each image transmitting. I would estimate each outbound CT image takes a quarter of a second. When the scanner sends the images it only takes a second to receive an entire series.


  • Hi,

    and you can use "forward series to ... after 100", where 100 is the delay in seconds. If you use different delay values, you may spread the load. It will now do all forwards at the same time I believe. You can also try to a different script where the forwards running at the same time are on different lines: each line has its own forward thread queue.


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