quality of serversideviewer.

  • Hi,

    The resolution is set by the dsize parameter; set it to something high (e.g., 2048), the image size by the size parameter. This is in dicom.ini in cgi-bin. Due to a bug the default is incorrect; fixed in 1.4.16i.


  • Dear Marcel,

    Thank you for your response.
    I tried. But no success.
    The image quality of serversideviewer and seriesviewer is obviously different.
    It sees it just like the browse database of the server.

    (Sorry for my english)

  • Dear Marcel,

    Thank you for your response.
    This is the dicom.ini from the cgi-bin folder.

    please let me know your thoughts.
    keiya kojima

  • Hi,

    ah, what exactly is the issue? I thought it was the resolution but I now guess you are refering to contrast. The serverside viewer does not read level and window from the header, but you can set it manually...


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