preretrieve/forward xxx to: remote DICOM error

  • I'm trying to automate a process where our techs ran a manual query against the PACS server and then transfer the old studies to a review station for easy access. We need to do this before hand as we are retrieving studies sometimes from multiple locations around town and transferring all those images in real time is too slow to work correctly.

    If i do a query in the GUI the patient does come up under NCONQUEST1 and is able to be transferred to rws1 with no issues.

    Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

    command line
    c:\conquest\dgate64.exe --movepatient:NCONQUEST1,rws2,1102777884

    Error log, debug level 4
    [SSCONQUEST1] 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    [SSCONQUEST1] 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    [SSCONQUEST1] 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1
    [SSCONQUEST1] 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    [SSCONQUEST1] 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    [SSCONQUEST1] 9999,0300 42 LO ConquestConsoleText "Server command sent using DGATE -- option"
    [SSCONQUEST1] 9999,0400 40 LO ConquestConsoleComma "movepatient:NCONQUEST1,rws2,1102777884"
    [SSCONQUEST1] Server command sent using DGATE -- option
    [SSCONQUEST1] ***preretrieve/forward xxx to: remote DICOM error
    OSCONQUEST1 104 un
    SSCONQUEST1 104 un
    SHCONQUEST1 104 un
    SSCONQUEST2 110 un
    rws2 4006 un

  • Sorry it took so long but I'm finally getting back to this. I'm still getting the same error.
    When I do the same query with the GUI it seems to work correctly.

    I've tried the command line both with and without the:129

    command line
    C:\conquest2>dgate.exe --movestudy:SSCONQUEST2,SSCONQUEST1,1209569292:129

    Error log, debug level 4
    2/7/2012 4:17:42 PM [SSCONQUEST2] UPACS THREAD 36: STARTED AT: Tue Feb 07 16:17:42 2012
    2/7/2012 4:17:42 PM [SSCONQUEST2] Calling Application Title : "SSCONQUEST2 "
    2/7/2012 4:17:42 PM [SSCONQUEST2] Called Application Title : "SSCONQUEST2 "
    2/7/2012 4:17:42 PM [SSCONQUEST2] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 16384
    2/7/2012 4:17:42 PM [SSCONQUEST2] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    2/7/2012 4:17:42 PM [SSCONQUEST2] Presentation Context 1 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    2/7/2012 4:17:42 PM [SSCONQUEST2] C-Move Destination: "SSCONQUEST1 "
    2/7/2012 4:17:42 PM [SSCONQUEST2] C-Move (StudyRoot)
    2/7/2012 4:17:42 PM [SSCONQUEST2] ***preretrieve/forward xxx to: remote DICOM error
    2/7/2012 4:17:42 PM [SSCONQUEST2] UPACS THREAD 36: ENDED AT: Tue Feb 07 16:17:42 2012
    SSCONQUEST2 110 un
    SSCONQUEST1 104 un
    SSKPACS 105 j1

  • Hi,

    you get this error if the ID's are not found by the called server. Is 129 a valid StudyInstanceUID? This works for me:

    dgate.exe --movestudy:CONQUESTSRV1,CONQUESTSRV1,00152:

    Note that the second : is required.


  • That worked when I did't put the study ID in.

    I pulled the StudyID out of my SQL Server database.

    select StudyID,PatientID
    from DICOMStudies
    where DICOMStudies.PatientID = '1209569292'

    A for a quick test I put a space between the last : and the 129, : 129, and it worked. I'll run some additional testing and see if this solves all my problem :)


  • Okay, So I went a little deeper.

    When i put the space both --movestudies and --moveseries doesn't look at the optional argument, the study or series, but instead transferes all the images for that patient ID to the remote location

    I'm not a super coder but looking at the code below, it looks like any additional information passed, ie the Study ID, isn't passed to the DcmMove command which should as it's 4th variable be const char *studyuid but the nothing is passed to the function. I hope I'm reading this right as I can't figure out why this isn't working correctly.

    On the flip side, I could send all the images to the remote location but I really only want to send images for a particular modality for that patient on a certian day instead of every image across all modalities.

    static BOOL DcmMove(const char *patid, char* pszSourceAE, char* pszDestinationAE, const char *studyuid, const char *seriesuid, const char *compress, const char *modality, const char *date, const char *sop, const char *imagetype, const char *seriesdesc, int id, char *script);

  • Okay, that sounds good. I'm looking that the database fields and I think I'm a bit confused on which field in the database is the StudyUID.
    I looked at the dicom.sql and it looks like the unique key is StudyInstanceUID but only on the SQL Server it only shows as StudyInsta which if that is the correct field why I was confused.

    My command is working correctly when I put in the StudyInstanceUID.
    Thanks for all your help :)
    C:\conquest>dgate --movestudy:OSCONQUEST1,OSCONQUEST1,1105816558:1.2.840.113663.1500.1.251022213.1.1.20110520.90227.593

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