dgate possibilities

  • Hi guys! I'm a newbie in conquest but quite enthusiast for starting, I would like to know something about the following situations:

    - I would like to setup conquest automatically, without opening the gui. Is possibile, maybe using dgate command line, to launch the server, receiving dicom files (I need only those for now, not the entire study) and then close the server? I've to do this from another application for ultrasound exams reporting.

    - Is possible, when the server is launched, to change the directory to store the dicom files, for example: my directory will be different for each exam, i.e. c:\dicom_files\exam1 or c:\dicom_files\exam2, ..... i would like to pass the value with a variable or to write the new folder directly in dicom.ini Do I have to close the server, change the value and relaunch again?

    sorry for my english, i write from italy.

  • I think so,

    you can leave the server running and use dgate -- commands to get what you ask. Alternatively, you can log server actions and use the logfiles to get to the DICOM objects


  • Is possible, when the server is launched, to change the directory to store the dicom files, for example: my directory will be different for each exam, i.e. c:\dicom_files\exam1 or c:\dicom_files\exam2, ..... i would like to pass the value with a variable or to write the new folder directly in dicom.ini Do I have to close the server, change the value and relaunch again?

    When I tried to do that with conquest server open, in the gui the folder for incoming data was always the old one, until i stopped and relaunched the server...

    So, the question is, can I change the folder "on the fly"?

  • so, I tried your commands and in the ini file the mag0device changed, but on the gui of conquest server still remains the older. when I closed and reopened the server, the path changed....

    my question is:

    I would like to make an application that, without the gui (conquest server) will receive ONLY (for now) incoming images, not interested in study for now.

    All should be made changing values in dicom.ini (magdevice0, AE, etc...) with dgate instructions.

    I need also to start and stop the server from dgate instructions.

    The incoming images should be in jpeg format, or I need a dgate instruction to convert them.

    All the dgate instructions should be in a dos batch (.bat) file that I'll launch from my application (i.e. do startdicom.bat)

    Is possibile? Thanks


  • Thanks Marcel, but I've a problem:

    if I start the server from command window (dos) i.e. dgate.exe -v everything seems to work fine

    but, if I launch it from the command windows of my programming language (visual fox pro) with the command:

    run start /min c:\dicom\dgate.exe -v

    the dgate reports the following error and the server doesn't start:

    not enough rights to write in mag0

    why? the folder specified in mag0 is always the same c:\dicom\data

    thanks for your suggestion


  • Hi,

    I guess it cannot find dicom.ini because the current directory is not set correctly. There is no easy fix unless you can execute something like a CD c:\dicom or SetCurrentDir.


  • ok, that's it!!!

    only one last question.....I'm passing the mag0 device from my application overwriting the dicom.ini files with a new one.

    Then, I should use the command readfromini, but, do I have to launch the server dgate.exe -v first or I can launch the readfromini and after starting the server?

    thanks, marcel


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