Wildcards don't seem to work in Conquest version 1.4.12c

  • I have used wildcards to register an application in "Known DICOM providers" tab but it does not seem to work.
    When I try to get images from the conquest server the connection is refused.
    Additionally, the applications that are registered with wildcards are not displayed in the "Query/Move" tab.
    The format I use is based on the examples:

    MyAE * un

    It seems to be a bug. Is there any workaround or do I have to wait for a fix?

    Thank for your time!

  • You probaly need items without a * for what I read of your request. You misunderstand the purpose of the *. The line could be

    MyAE* * un

    This means that a request to move to MyAE104 will send to port 104 (on, MyAE105 to port 105 (on 127.0.1) etc. This is not very useful.


    My* * 104 un

    Is very useful: it will accept request to move to e.g., My127.0.0.1 and send a response to, port 104. In ths way many (e.g., k-pacs) viewers on different computers can be configured in one line in conquest. Just their AE names need to built like My[IP] or My[name].

    That the wildcard lines do not show on the Query/move page is correct behaviour. How would it know what to fill in for the *?


  • Hi

    OK after like about 100 trys I am giving up.
    I am using 1.4.16c and I cannot get Conquest and ClearCanvas viewer to work with wildcards.
    It would be usefull to get it to work because our VPN clients use DHCP and sometimes IPs can change.

    Here is the config in known DICOM Providers:

    V* * 4006 un

    "V" stand for VPN.... AETs , port is always 4006 with uncompressed data.

    Hostname example:

    VPNNotebook1 4006 software: ClearCanvas Viewer.

    Conquest log says:

    Records = 72
    Number of Images to send: 72
    Host 'VPNNotebook1' did not accept the connection

    Clear Canvas log:
    Failure status received in Move Scu: Failure: Cannot understand

    Any ideas?

  • Hi

    Ok now its working at least a little bit 8)

    AET for the test notebook is:


    Conquest entry is:

    V* 4006 UN

    Works perfectly!

    However if I change the IP to "*" its broken again !?:

    V* * 4006 UN

    Shouldnt it send it to any "asking" IP with matching port and AET?

    ClearCanvas log says :
    Failure status received in Move Scu: Failure: Cannot understand

    grrrr damn it :evil:

  • Hi,

    This should work if VPNNotebook1 resolves with gethostname to the correct address, e.g., try "ping VPNNotebook1". We use wildcards as follows:

    S* * 5678

    Any server starting with S and its hostname works (AE like SHOSTNAME), and

    V* * 1234

    Our home grown viewers use as AE V%IP%, i.e, they append the dynamic IP adress to the AE title, e.g., AE like V192.168.1.10


  • Sorry to bother again, wildcards are still somewhat a mystery to me.

    We do use one Notebook from different remote locations either over Wlan and a static IP or over 3G wireless on static DHCP IP.
    So this perticular Notebook can get 2 different IPs.

    How can I set up conquest to send images correctly?

    Example in known providers:

    ae / ip / port

    notebook 4006 jk
    notebook 4006 jk

    - does not work, only the first entry works. Fr the second entry the log says" host did not accept connection" ---- :evil:

  • Hi,

    acrnema.map will only locate the first match. So if there is no hostname known, it can't be done, expect if the one initiating the C-MOVE to notebook knows its IP adress; then you could say:

    notebook* 192.168.*.110 4006 jk

    notebook0 and notebook7 would send to different IP addresses.


  • OK

    But that would only work if the AET ont the Notebook automatically changes according to IP.

    I would get it working with Hostnames, sadly we dont have a DNS server and windows host file only seems to only work with one IP for a host....., so for the moment we are stuck on changing AET when using 3g mobile connection.

  • Hi,

    you may be able to remotely change acrnema.map from the notebook using dgate -- commands.

    dgate -p5678 -qserver_ip --put_amap:i,AE,ip,p#,cmp

    where i is the line to change.


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