Using %callingae in FileNameSyntax

  • Hi

    It appears that if you use %callingae in the FileNameSyntax, the full 16 characters are written into the filename. If there are fewer characters in the AE Title, then ConQuest uses the extra spaces reports that it has


    Written file: C:\dicomserver\data\MG\RPYC_PHYIM02 \physics^gridfactor\study845\s2492-i4-000e.dcm

    for example - notice the gap between IM02 and \physics

    However, the files beneath the AE Title folder are never written, and that folder does not have the extra spaces.

    My syntax is as follows:

    FileNameSyntax = %modality\%callingae\%name\study%studyid\s%seriesid-i%imagenum-%counter.dcm

    Also, I am not clear as to how to get ConQuest to take notice of an edited dicom.ini. The only way I could do it in the end was to uninstall the NT service, close the service, make sure my changes were in dicom.ini, reboot the machine, and then restart ConQuest. Anything less and my changes were ignored!

    I did try various combinations of kill and restart the server, verify database, re-initialize database etc, but presumably didn't get the particular sequence one must use! Any hints? The manual just says that you shouldn't need to edit it :-(

    I am using v 1.4.12c


  • Hi,

    the calledAE issue is probably a bug where the spaces are not correctly handled. As for reading in the new dicom.ini, kill and restart server should do the job. However, once a DICOM image is recieved a filename is generated and stored in the database - that will be reused for the same object. Only deleting the image/series/study/patient will force generation of a new filename.


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