Posts by dastel

    Ah, ok..
    I already suspected that it was using an ImportConverter, because of the logs.

    If I use an extra Conquest server, with the following exportconverter, as a hub, I limit the risk of certain slices not being send, because of a node failure, to this one and only hub...

    ExportConverter0 = forward to %c org %u;

    But it is not ideal, of course...

    If you have any other suggestions, then they are welcome!



    I'm using a LUA script to forward images to a number of nodes using certain criteria and that seems to work fine if I start the script from either an importconverter or exportconverter... as long as the destination node is available.

    But if the destination node isn't available, then the only thing I get is a "forward failed" message in the serverstatus log. The retry mechanism doesn't seem to work.

    I've tested this mechanism using a simple forward from an exportconverter, and that does work. i've also set the RetryForwardFailed in the dicom.ini and i'm using version 1.4.17d.

    Can you help me with this?



    This doesn't seem to work for me, or at least i can't see what i'm doing wrong.

    I've tried to run the deletebody.lua inside ZeroBraneStudio and used Data.Dump() before and after this script to see if it is working. But there are no differences in the input- and outputfile.
    While debugging I can see that the correct ROI is found, but then the Data.StructureSetROISequence[index]=nil doesn't have any effect.
    Changing something like the patientname does work though.

    Do you have any idea what i'm doing wrong?

    i'm using Conquest 1.4.17 as LUA interpreter.



    tried to search the manual and the forum, but have no luck so far..

    I would like to store and forward incoming images to a number of nodes. But when the forward to at least one of the nodes fails, I would like to report an error to the sending (calling) node. Is this possible?

    Kind regards,

    Hi Marcel,

    It works! Thanks!
    Now I can delete all CT slices, except the first, like so:

    server = servercommand('get_param:MyACRNema')w = DicomObject:new()w.QueryRetrieveLevel = 'IMAGE'w.SOPInstanceUID = ''w.Modality = 'CT'w.PatientID = ''w.InstanceNumber = ''w.SeriesDate = ''x = dicomquery(server, 'IMAGE', w)print("total nr of images:", #x)for i = 0, #x-1 do if x[i].InstanceNumber ~= '0' then dicomdelete(x[i]) -- delete all slices except the first one endend

    Is there a way to filter out the first slice in the query DicomObject btw?
    for example, using the w.InstanceNumber ~= '0' in:

    w = DicomObject:new()
    w.QueryRetrieveLevel = 'IMAGE'
    w.SOPInstanceUID = ''
    w.Modality = 'CT'
    w.InstanceNumber ~= '0'



    I'm working on a LUA script that i would like to use for cleaning the conquest database once a day.
    For that I will loop through all the images from an IMAGE level query result and delete those images.
    But the query doesn't work as expected on my test server while the same query does work on a conquest server on my local workstation.

    I found out that the difference in database configuration (local workstation: 'dbase' and test server: 'ms sql server') causes the different results.

    Using this query:

    server = servercommand('get_param:MyACRNema')y = DicomObject:new()y.QueryRetrieveLevel = 'SERIES'y.Modality = 'CT' y.PatientName = ''y.PatientID = ''y.SeriesInstanceUID = ''z = dicomquery(server, 'SERIES', y);print("Nr of series:", #z)for i = 0, #z-1 do w = DicomObject:new() w.QueryRetrieveLevel = 'IMAGE' w.SeriesInstanceUID = z[i].SeriesInstanceUID w.Modality = '' w.PatientID = '' x = dicomquery(server, 'IMAGE', w) print("Patient: " .. x.PatientID, "Modality: " .. x.Modality, "Nr of images: " .. #x)end

    On my local workstation results in (with dbase):

    "Nr of series:" 3"Patient: 0000001" "Modality: CT" "Nr of images: 132""Patient: 0000002" "Modality: CT" "Nr of images: 132""Patient: 0000003" "Modality: CT" "Nr of images: 132"

    and on the test server (with sql server):

    "Nr of series:" 3
    "Patient: 0000001" "Modality: CT" "Nr of images: 1"
    "Patient: 0000002" "Modality: CT" "Nr of images: 1"
    "Patient: 0000003" "Modality: CT" "Nr of images: 1"

    Is this familiar behavior and is there a work around?

    Kind regards.

    Hi Marcel,

    I've tried the following:

    ExportConverters = 2
    ExportConverter0 = nop %u;
    ExportConverter1 = print('Calling:', Association.Calling, Association.Called)

    The first ExportConverter is printing the calling AE-title, but the second exportconverter only prints the word: 'Calling:'.
    The association values seems to be empty, possibly because the (incomming) association is already closed?

    I've also tried using the %u variable inside lua and creating global variables, but nothing seems to work. Do you have any suggestions?



    Is there a way to get association information, like callingAE and CalledAE, inside a Exportconverter using LUA?
    I'm using 1.4.17c and I would like to use LUA (based on association information) to decide which destination to use for forwarding images.
