I'm running I'm on 1.4.19b . I'm wondering if this is the same as bug 64 for version 1.5 alpha .
I've added a simple ImportConverter as follows:
ifequal "%u","CALLINGAE";system php /var/scripts/ConversionJob.php %f %VStudyInstanceUID
This import converter does work but not completely properly. The value sent to my script by %f is different than the actual filename written to the filesystem. It seems to differ by a single incremental value . As an example here are 2 image files that I received to my dgate instance recently and the %f value sent to my script, followed by the actual filename written to the filesystem.
IMAGE #1--------------
%f received by script = /usr/local/dicomgate/data/722006-1752-2019/
Actual filename written = /usr/local/dicomgate/data/722006-1752-2019/
IMAGE #2-------------
%f received by script =/usr/local/dicomgate/data/722006-1752-2019/
Actual filename written = /usr/local/dicomgate/data/722006-1752-2019/
As you can see it looks like the last value is incremented by 1 on each filename. Is this is a known issue in 1.4.19b I can provide more examples if needed as the behavior is very consistent.
Mr Johnathan Bravo