Posts by aleksergi

    Hello fellow conquest users.

    I'am in a little trouble with conquest studies transfer and searching for any help.

    I got two conquest servers installed on same computer. OS is Windows XP. Both servers are installed with built-in SqLite. Both have standard (unchanged) dicom.ini file. Server ARCHIVE is version 1.4.16 and server ARCH1 is version 1.4.17 (though it is not the reason of trouble).
    ARCHIVE is an old storage based on 2TB disk and got 1,5 TB filled (about 6000 studies). Images are uncompressed.
    ARCH1 is a new one. It's installed on 1TB USB HDD. It utilizes j1 (jpeg loseless) compression.

    Problem occurs when i'am trying to copy studies queried by date (or date range) from ARCHIVE to ARCH1.
    From GUI of ARCH1 i successfully query ARCHIVE at STUDY level based on "Study date:".
    After pressing "Copy to destination" button, message appears saying "Warning: some DICOM systems will copy too much if the patient ID is not specified". Then i confirm transfer of selected data. Query/Move log says "started copying" and "Copying for patient:".
    After this moment GUI hangs for about 5 minutes. Then message appears, saying "DICOM move error: Association lost" and Query/Move log says " error while copying (patient ID = ) ". After about 2 additional minutes there is some activity in ARCH1 (receiver) server status log and only one image is transfered (first one of last study in queue, but i didn't test it specially) .

    Now some test results:

    1. If i transfer same studies with same query from ARCH1 to ARCHIVE, it all goes well.
    2. If i transfer studies from any other conquest server to ARCHIVE, it all goes well. Both local and network.
    3. If i transfer studies from ARCHIVE to any other conquest server, i got same problem. Both local and network.
    all above is said for "study date:"-based queries via GUI

    4. If i define patients IDs for a transfer, transfer is OK. For example, if i manually enter patients IDs for a needed day, there is no problem. But if i query same patients by study date, there is.
    5. If i try to move studies with dgate.exe --movestudies, i got same results as with GUI.
    6. Looks like a query size is not a trigger. Results are same with 1 and with 40 studies for a study date.
    7. ARCHIVE conquest server works well with PACS clients like ClearCanvas or General Electric workstation.

    I also attached example log files for "sending" ARCHIVE and "receiving" ARCH1. The begining of each log is a moment of quering ARCHIVE server.

    what i can see from ARCHIVE serverstatus.log is a 7-minutes interval in thread 200 and following "Recieved cancel request"

    8/19/2013 3:31:31 PM [ARCHIVE] Query On Image8/19/2013 3:31:31 PM [ARCHIVE] Issue Query on Columns: DICOMImages.SOPClassUI, DICOMImages.SOPInstanc, DICOMSeries.SeriesInst, DICOMStudies.StudyDate, DICOMStudies.PatientNam, DICOMStudies.PatientID, DICOMStudies.StudyInsta,DICOMImages.ObjectFile,DICOMImages.DeviceName8/19/2013 3:31:31 PM [ARCHIVE] Values: DICOMStudies.StudyDate = '20110628' and DICOMSeries.StudyInsta = DICOMStudies.StudyInsta and DICOMImages.SeriesInst = DICOMSeries.SeriesInst8/19/2013 3:31:31 PM [ARCHIVE] Tables: DICOMImages, DICOMSeries, DICOMStudies8/19/2013 3:38:47 PM [ARCHIVE] Records = 8608/19/2013 3:38:47 PM [ARCHIVE] Number of images to send: 8608/19/2013 3:38:47 PM [ARCHIVE] Recieved cancel request

    Also ARCH1 serverstatus.log does not contain any information until "3:38:50". I think it is because i used ARCH1's GUI to copy studies and it "hanged".

    Also, i got this message in conquestdicomserver.log of ARCHIVE server:

    8/19/2013 1:22:25 PM Detected that BDE is not installed - using MDBF

    Don't know if has something to do with my case.

    Well, looks like i'am out of usefull info for now.

    *Forgot to attach log files. Will do tomorrow.