Posts by Robbster

    Unfortunately, or fortunately, I have tried IE, Firefox and Chrome. The applet still loads, and I still get the Connection refused java error. I see the buttons within the applet, its just that none of the images ever get loaded.

    Many thanks again!


    We are running 1.4.17alpha for both Conquest server and the web piece too.

    Using the default viewer=serversideviewer works fine.

    I'm trying to get the imagejaviewer working correctly. I'm using the following settings

    size = 560
    dsize = 0

    compress = un
    iconsize = 48
    graphic = gif
    viewer = imagejaviewer

    source = imagejaviewer.cq

    However, when I click to "view" I get a java error

    <Error: java net.ConnectException: Connection refulsed: connect>

    Any my Apache error log has

    [Tue Feb 12 22:20:02 2013] [error] [client x.x.x.x] script not found or unable to stat: /var/www/cgi-bin/StartupMacros.txt

    Can you assist as to what the Startupmacros.txt is?

    Thanks so much,


    Do I need to have an entry in the Known DICOM providers on the Conquest server? I wouldn't think I would need to get images from my web server. If I have the viewer= serversideviewer it works fine.

    I have made the following changes only.

    viewer = imagejaviewer
    #viewer = aiviewer

    source = ../scans/imagejaviewer.cq

    In my Apache error log I'm getting

    [Tue Feb 12 17:27:31 2013] [error] [client xx.xx.xx.xx] script not found or unable to stat: /var/www/cgi-bin/StartupMacros.txt

    Not sure what StartupMacros.txt is suppsed to be.

    The java error I'm still getting is: <Error: Connection timed out: connect>

    Thanks in advance!


    I have completely deployed dcm4chee and Weasis on a virtual machine. My client is running ConQuest 1.4.17 on a windows server.

    We're trying to provide a web interface facing the internet for them to view the images. We have been able to go into the ConQuest user interface and "push" records to dcm4chee but cannot get dcm4chee to query the Conquest server successfully.

    I'm able to perform a DICOM Echo successfully from within the dcm4chee web portal.

    DICOM Echo to dicom://CONQUESTSRV1@
    Open Association in 33 ms.
    Echo done in 12 ms!
    Total time for successfully echo CONQUESTSRV1: 46 ms!

    But when we query the Conquest server we get no results....

    Could anyone offer any insight as to what may need to be configured on the Conquest side if any?

    Many thanks


    I guess I should do some more work on my own before I ask questions :D

    I realized that the makfile was copying my files to /usr/lib/cgi-bin when my web server cgi-bin is running out of /var/www/cgi-bin. I updated the entry like you said (why would I question you :oops: ) and it is working for me now.

    Thanks again for your help!



    The only entries I see in the dicom.ini that would be similar are the following:

    # Network configuration: server name and TCP/IP port#
    TCPPort = 5678
    # Banner and host for debug information
    OperatorConsole =

    CONQUESTSRV1 is of course the Windows server running Conquest

    Great! Thank you Marcel.

    So, the apache server running on linux will still refer to the dgate.ini file? I know that .ini files are typicall Windows config files. I assume I need to "dos2unix" these files if I'm running them in a linux environment?

    Thanks again!



    I have set up a LAMP virtual machine and have downloaded and compiled dgate for linux (this LAMP server is a Debian distro)

    dgate apears to be talking to the conquest server which is running on a windows server if I manually edit the IP address of the server. Below is the URL generated when clicking on the "Show Server Configuration" link on the dgate web page.

    http://<my web site>/cgi-bin/dgate?port=5678&address=

    If I substitute the IP address of my conquest server in the URL above, replacing, I get the correct results.

    What I am trying to do is edit the dgate.cpp and update the IP address to my Conquest server. Is this not the correct line to edit in dgate.cpp?

    static char ServerCommandAddress[64] = "";

    I have edited this file and then ran ./maklinux to recompile but the localhost IP address still comes up.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in Advance!
