Thanks Marcel,
Could i add a * for the port also ?
Thanks Marcel,
Could i add a * for the port also ?
Hi everyone,
Is it possible to set the ACRNEMA.MAP to allow all connections ? (instead of just the known providers)
SERVER 5678 un
* * * un
this would of course only be used for testing !
kind regards,
Hi Marcel,
If I use the study uid (as 1* to select all), i can query the Clearcanvas server at studyroot level, but copy to destination does not work.
However, now i get a remark in my clearcanvas log :
2016-03-30 13:05:23,025 [DicomServer: Read [6]] INFO - Received association release request from CONQUESTSRV1 to CLEARCANVAS.2016-03-30 13:05:23,029 [36] INFO - <Statistics Type="TransmissionStatistics" Context="Transmission" Description="DICOM association from CONQUESTSRV1 [] to CLEARCANVAS []" MessageRate="294,65 msg/s" Speed="73,98 KB/s" IncomingBytes="126 bytes" OutgoingBytes="25,36 KB" IncomingMessages="1 msg" OutgoingMessages="101 msg" />2016-03-30 13:05:44,463 [32] INFO - Received association:Application Context: ==DICOM Application Context NameImplementation Class: 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.135.1066.101Implementation Version: 1.4.16/WIN32Local Maximum PDU Size: 116794Remote Maximum PDU Size: 16384Called AE Title: CLEARCANVASCalling AE Title: CONQUESTSRV1Presentation Contexts: 4 Presentation Context 169 [Reject - Abstract Syntax Not Supported] Abstract: Patient Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND Transfer: Implicit VR Little Endian: Default Transfer Syntax for DICOM Presentation Context 173 [Accept] Abstract: Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND Transfer: Implicit VR Little Endian: Default Transfer Syntax for DICOM Presentation Context 177 [Reject - Abstract Syntax Not Supported] Abstract: Patient/Study Only Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND (Retired) Transfer: Implicit VR Little Endian: Default Transfer Syntax for DICOM Presentation Context 181 [Reject - Abstract Syntax Not Supported] Abstract: Modality Worklist Information Model - FIND Transfer: Implicit VR Little Endian: Default Transfer Syntax for DICOM2016-03-30 13:10:44,464 [DicomServer: Read [36]] ERROR - Received association abort from CONQUESTSRV1 to CLEARCANVAS
and in the Conquest gui i get :
Do you know of anything else i can try ?
kindest regards,
Hi Everyone,
I'm just getting started with Conquest and have a basic question :
On my PC I have setup both Conquest and Clearcanvas workstation software to do some tests.
Clearcanvas is running with AET: CLEARCANVAS on port 105 and
Conquest is running with AET : CONQUESTSRV01 on port 5678.
my dicomproviders are the following :
and in Clearcanvas I added the Conquest server with it's aet and port.
If i push a study from Clearcanvas to Conquest, all goes well.
if I push a study from Conquest to Clearcanvas, all goes well also.
If I query Clearcanvas on Studyrootlevel from within Conquest I get my studylist with no problems.
But if i try to Copy (Copy to Destinaion) a study from within ConquestGui from Clearcanvas to Conquest, it fails...
Can someone tell me how to start troubleshooting this ?
Thanks in advance,