Posts by pradvk

    Quote from marcelvanherk


    make sure DoubleBackSlashToDB is set to 1 in dicom.ini. If you are transfering another database to MySQL, and are reusing an existing dicom.ini it may have been kept at 0.


    thanks for prompt reply. :D
    I will try this setting and get back with the results. :arrow:


    I am using the latest dgate using command line
    db : mysql 5+

    i can regen the device MagDevice01 properly and it shows the db table dicomimages with correct number of rows
    using --regendevice:device Re-generate database for single device

    but when i move the studies to another AE Title -- no files are transferred
    locating file: magdevice0 webpetct_10_111.
    MyPatientRootRetireveGeneric :: retrieveOn
    c-move <patientroot>

    20120213 16:26:23 "C-Move ","ALA "

    20120213 16:26:22 ***Could not find file:WBPETCT_1038_101.

    so now i checked the db table dicomimages for the column 26 > ObjectFile
    the value was wrong -- WBPETCT_1038_101.
    it should be WBPETCT_1038_10\
    So this "\" was missing.
    But since it was from regen device command, i dont have control over dgate

    This does not happen when i use regen dir command... then it inserts the "\" and i can move studies
    using --regendir:device,dir Re-generate database for single directory
    above command works

    Please help me ... :?:
    where could i be worng? why does "\" get skipped if i Re-generate database for single device ?
    i have 2TB data to be regen. Please help me. :?:

    create statement dicomimages from mysql is follows

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `bas`.`dicomimages`;
    CREATE TABLE `bas`.`dicomimages` (
    `SOPInstanc` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
    `SOPClassUI` varchar(64) default NULL,
    `ImageNumbe` varchar(12) default NULL,
    `ImageDate` char(8) default NULL,
    `ImageTime` varchar(16) default NULL,
    `EchoNumber` varchar(64) default NULL,
    `NumberOfFr` varchar(12) default NULL,
    `AcqDate` char(8) default NULL,
    `AcqTime` varchar(16) default NULL,
    `ReceivingC` varchar(16) default NULL,
    `AcqNumber` varchar(12) default NULL,
    `SliceLocat` varchar(16) default NULL,
    `SamplesPer` varchar(5) default NULL,
    `PhotoMetri` varchar(16) default NULL,
    `Rows` varchar(5) default NULL,
    `Colums` varchar(5) default NULL,
    `BitsStored` varchar(5) default NULL,
    `ImageType` varchar(128) default NULL,
    `ImageID` varchar(16) default NULL,
    `ImagePat` varchar(64) default NULL,
    `SeriesInst` varchar(64) default NULL,
    `AccessTime` int(11) default NULL,
    `qTimeStamp` int(11) default NULL,
    `qFlags` int(11) default NULL,
    `qSpare` varchar(64) default NULL,
    `ObjectFile` varchar(254) default NULL,
    `DeviceName` varchar(32) default NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`SOPInstanc`),
    KEY `images_lnk` (`SeriesInst`),
    KEY `images_pat` (`ImagePat`)