Posts by esteraph


    i'm using gdcmconv to compress in j2k too and it's fine.
    With JL10, it depends on studies, generally we have /10 (i think jl10 means 100/10 = 10, jl5 means 100/5 = 20) ???

    Using gdcmconv works fine but it is slower and i don't want to use many other system but dgate !!!
    If it is a Jasper problem, perhaps it is because i'm working under linux....

    If anyone can test it under windows...



    i'm going to try this.

    When i'm using jlXX (jl10) compression on CT studies, there is a sort of frame or grid which appears in the background of each slide.
    That don't in jk compression.

    Is there any problem with these algorithms or it's my bug ?



    It's working when the un instruction is the last one.
    Now it works.
    But there is a problem with compression by using lua scripts !
    When i'm using the dropfilecompression in dicom.ini to compress, the result is good.
    With the lua instruction (using inportconverter0 = compress.lua) the dcm are not good and very compressed (not usable) !!!

    Is there any difference between the two algorithms of compression ???
    And so, is it possible to do the same thing using directly inportconverts without lua ?



    when i'm using this in my dicom.ini :

    [lua]ImportConverter0 = script('compression jk'); Data:Write('dicom/'..Data.PatientID..'/jk-'..Data.SOPInstanceUID..'.dcm')ImportConverter1 = script('compression un')

    dgate only convert dcm to jk but not un !!!
    It says for each file :

    Wed Jan 15 23:52:00 2014 Written file: /home/user/dicom/6009/1.2.840.113619.
    Wed Jan 15 23:52:00 2014 Importconverter-1.0: compression to un
    Wed Jan 15 23:52:00 2014 [recompress]: recompressed with mode = un (strip=0)
    Wed Jan 15 23:52:00 2014 Importconverter-1.0: compression to jk
    Wed Jan 15 23:52:01 2014 [recompress]: recompressed with mode = jk (strip=0)

    Two files are created but with only one compression (the same : jk).
    When i'm using separatly each one it works...

    Is there any problems with this method ?

    Hi Marcel,

    Many thanks for all.
    I do not need to create directory really !
    I simply rename the dcm with j1- or jk- prefix....
    So it si good for me like this.

    Is there any documentation about the whole syntax for scripting ni lua in dgate ?
    In order not to ask you for the next Times !!!!

    I Will try to make wado work....

    Thanks before.

    Hi Marcel,

    sorry for my late answer !!!

    When i use Importconverter with lua script it returns an error :

    *** lua run error compress.lua:1: attempt to call global 'mkdir' (a nil value)

    I have tested with /bin/mkdir but it does not work at all.

    Any idea ?


    Hello Marcel,

    I can't make dgate works with weasis in wado connexion...
    But it works fine with the directdownloadfile directive.

    In one of your precedent post, you've said that it is possible to make a script to save the same study withg differents compressions (in different directories).
    Can you help me to do this because i don't even know the lua syntax to do that.
    All i want is : for one study have the uncompressed files, j1 compressed files in j1 directory and jk compressed files in jk directory :
    e.g :

    Many thanks.


    finally, to be clear in the configuration to have :
    CONQUEST (local server) with dgate.dic, dicom.ini,, dgatesop.lst...

    2nd: into cgi-bin :
    dgate (the same exe than the other one)
    dicom.ini modified with special things for webserver (detailed in my precedent post)
    viewers/*weasis*.lua or *.cq

    Is it correct and complete or there is another thing i forget ?

    Thanks before

    Hi Marcel,

    It's still doesn't work for me and I don't see why so I'm going to describe you my context :

    My main error is that my own web application which use conquest mainly for PACS protocol, generate it's own jnlp file and wado query for weasis. This works because I use the "DirectDownloadFile" option in the wado and I give an url for the dicom files.

    Since I want to use stream compression for dicom with dgate, I need to use dgate query to retrieve the image.

    So I removed the "DirectDownloadFile" mode and also add the "overrideDicomTagsList" : "0x00000000" option as you mention in an another post.

    Weasis is launching well and download all DicomObjects from dgate but I have a

    11.12.2013 16:31:33.332 *INFO* [pool-1-thread-1] org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.DownloadManager Downloading WADO references: http://<my_external_ip>/media/weasis_data/5a7952e02228abb206365d796f76108b/wado/wado_query_1.2.392.200036.9125.1.58730.33930.20120129.94545.17_20131211.xmlCacheEntry[http://<my_external_ip>/media/weasis_data/5a7952e02228abb206365d796f76108b/wado/wado_query_1.2.392.200036.9125.1.58730.33930.20120129.94545.17_20131211.xml]: updateAvailable=true,lastModified=Wed Dec 11 13:07:19 CET 2013,length=79011.12.2013 16:31:33.474 *INFO* [pool-1-thread-1] org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.DownloadManager [Validate with XSD schema] wado_query is valid11.12.2013 16:31:33.491 *INFO* [pool-1-thread-1] org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.DownloadManager Adding new patient: PATIENT NAME11.12.2013 16:31:33.502 *INFO* [pool-2-thread-1] org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries Downloading series of PATIENT NAME [1.2.392.200036.9125.3.481999152236.64672508865.21803296]11.12.2013 16:31:33.580 *INFO* [AWT-EventQueue-2] org.weasis.dicom.explorer.DicomExplorer Add series: at at at at at at at at org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries$Download.writFile( at org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries$ at org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries$ at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source) at Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) at Source)11.12.2013 16:31:34.054 *WARN* [pool-5-thread-1] org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadSeries Download interruption http://<my_external_ip>/cgi-bin/dgate?requestType=WADO&studyUID=1.2.392.200036.9125.1.58730.33930.20120129.94545.17&seriesUID=1.2.392.200036.9125.3.481999152236.64672508865.21803296&objectUID=1.2.392.200036.9125.9.0.235928477.97333248.1662250136&contentType=application%2Fdicom 11.12.2013 16:31:34.092 *INFO* [AWT-EventQueue-2] org.weasis.dicom.explorer.DicomModel Remove Patient: PATIENT NAME11.12.2013 16:31:34.092 *INFO* [AWT-EventQueue-2] org.weasis.dicom.explorer.DicomModel Remove Study: 29 janv. 2012 00:00:00

    My wado query is

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><wado_query additionnalParameters="" overrideDicomTagsList="0x00000000" requireOnlySOPInstanceUID="false" wadoURL="http://<my_external_ip>/cgi-bin/dgate" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""><Patient PatientBirthDate="19650525" PatientID="DEV-VEN-1201000345-CR" PatientName="PATIENT NAME"><Study StudyDate="20120129" StudyDescription="" StudyInstanceUID="1.2.392.200036.9125.1.58730.33930.20120129.94545.17" StudyTime="094725.000"><Series Modality="CR" SeriesDescription="" SeriesInstanceUID="1.2.392.200036.9125.3.481999152236.64672508865.21803296" SeriesNumber="1001"><Instance InstanceNumber="1001" SOPInstanceUID="1.2.392.200036.9125.9.0.235928477.97333248.1662250136"/></Series></Study></Patient></wado_query>

    my jnlp template is :

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE jnlp PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc//DTD JNLP Descriptor 6.0//EN" ""><jnlp spec="1.6+" codebase="http://{{{local_host_ip}}}/media/weasis" href=""> <information> ... <security> <all-permissions /> </security> <resources><!-- Requires Java SE 6 update 10 release for jnlp extension without codebase (substance.jnlp) --> <j2se version="1.6.0_10+" href="" initial-heap-size="128m" max-heap-size="512m" /> <j2se version="1.6.0_10+" initial-heap-size="128m" max-heap-size="512m" /> <jar href="weasis-launcher.jar" main="true" /> <jar href="felix.jar" /><!-- Optional library (Substance Look and feel, only since version 1.0.8). Requires the new Java Plug-in introduced inthe Java SE 6 update 10 release.For previous JRE 6, substance.jnlp needs a static codebase URL --> <extension href="substance.jnlp" /><!-- Allows to get the file in pack200 compression --></resources> <application-desc main-class="org.weasis.launcher.WebstartLauncher"><!-- Required parameter. Define the location of (the OSGI configuration and the list of plug-ins to install/start) --> <argument>"http://{{{local_host_ip}}}/media/weasis/conf/"</argument><!-- Optional parameter. Define the location of (extend/override --> <argument>"http://{{{local_host_ip}}}/media/weasis/conf/"</argument><!-- Required parameter. Define the code base of Weasis for the JNLP --> <argument>-VMPweasis.codebase.url="http://{{{local_host_ip}}}/media/weasis"</argument><!-- Required parameter. Start local OSGI console on the port 17179 --> <argument>-VMPgosh.args="-sc telnetd -p 17179 start"</argument><!-- Optional parameter. Allows to have the Weasis menu bar in the top bar on Mac OS X (works only with the native Aqua look and feel) --> <argument>-VMPapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar="true"</argument><!-- Example for opening dicom files from remote xml file --> <argument>$dicom:get -w {{{wado_query_file_url}}}</argument> </application-desc></jnlp>

    The query looks good and I don't know why there is this EOFException...

    I'm using dgate dgate-1.4.17c and weasis 1.2.7 in my web app.

    Don't know where to look for next so I try to have your weasis example working on my server.

    https://<my_external_ip>/cgi-bin/dgate?mode=weasis&series=DEV-VEN-1201000345-CR:1.2.392.200036.9125.3.481999152236.64672508865.21803296 <= works !

    I get a jnlp file

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE jnlp PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc//DTD JNLP Descriptor 6.0//EN" ""> <jnlp spec="1.6+" version="1.1.3" codebase="" href=""> <information> <title>Weasis</title> <vendor>Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG)</vendor> <homepage href="docs/help.html"/> <description>DICOM images viewer</description> <description kind="short">An application to visualize and analyze DICOM images.</description> <description kind="one-line">DICOM images viewer</description> <description kind="tooltip">Weasis</description> <icon href="images/logo-button.png" kind="default" /> <icon href="images/about.png" kind="splash" /> </information> <security> <all-permissions/> </security> <resources> <!-- Requires Java SE 6 update 10 release for jnlp extension without codebase (substance.jnlp) --> <j2se version="1.6.0_10+" href="" initial-heap-size="128m" max-heap-size="512m" /> <j2se version="1.6.0_10+" initial-heap-size="128m" max-heap-size="512m" /> <!-- Weasis launcher --> <jar href="weasis-launcher.jar" main="true" /> <!-- OSGI Felix framework --> <jar href="felix.jar" /> <!-- Optional library (Substance Look and feel, only since version 1.0.8). Requires the new Java Plug-in introduced in the Java SE 6 update 10 release.For previous JRE 6, substance.jnlp needs a static codebase URL --> <extension href="substance.jnlp"/> <!-- Allows to get files in pack200 compression, only available from Weasis 1.1.2 --> <property name="jnlp.packEnabled" value="true" /> <!-- Required parameter. Define the location of (the OSGI configuration and the list of plug-ins to install/start) --> <property name="" value="" /> <!-- Required parameter. Define the code base of Weasis for the JNLP --> <property name="weasis.codebase.url" value="" /> <!-- Required parameter. Start OSGI console on the port 17179 --> <property name="gosh.args" value="-sc telnetd -p 17179 start" /> <!-- Optional parameter. Allows to have the Weasis menu bar in the top bar on Mac OS X (works only with the native Aqua look and feel) --> <property name="apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar" value="true" /> <!-- Optional parameter. Allows to get plug-ins translations --> <property name="weasis.i18n" value="" /> <!-- Optional Weasis Documentation, appears in the menu Help > User Manual --> <!-- <property name="" value="" /> --> </resources> <!-- Main class --> <application-desc main-class="org.weasis.launcher.WebstartLauncher"> <!-- Example for opening dicom files from URLs --> <argument>$dicom:get -w http://<my_external_ip>/cgi-bin/dgate?port=20000&address= </argument> </application-desc> </jnlp>

    and then an xml error in java console for the wado request

    11.12.2013 17:08:43.195 *INFO* [pool-1-thread-1] org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.DownloadManager Downloading WADO references: http://<my_external_ip>/cgi-bin/dgate?port=20000&address= 'ParseError at [row,col]:[1,1]Message: Contenu non autorisé dans le prologue.'11.12.2013 17:08:43.644 *ERROR* [pool-1-thread-1] org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.DownloadManager [Validate with XSD schema] wado_query is NOT valid11.12.2013 17:08:43.644 *ERROR* [pool-1-thread-1] org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.DownloadManager Reason: ParseError at [row,col]:[1,1]Message: Contenu non autorisé dans le ParseError at [row,col]:[1,1]Message: Contenu non autorisé dans le prologue. at Source) at org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.DownloadManager.buildDicomSeriesFromXml( at org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadRemoteDicomManifest.doInBackground( at org.weasis.dicom.explorer.wado.LoadRemoteDicomManifest.doInBackground( at javax.swing.SwingWorker$ Source) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source) at Source) at Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) at Source)

    and if I try the url in webbrowser:


    I have a Dicom Object file but it seems the same file that I have with my own application and dont work with weasis.

    May be u can see what I doing wrong ...

    my cgi-bin/dicom.ini is

    Thanks for your time.


    is it possible to compress incoming studies in two or three differents formats (un, j2 and jk for instance) with only one instance of DGATE ?
    I would like to make three directories by study with each of the different compression.

    I'm using dgate for a long time in differents versions under linux, and it's working well !

    I can create threes instances of dgate and param each one with the different wanted compression, i just would like to know if there was another simpliest way to do that.

    Thanks before.
    Great job.

    Hi Marcel and thanks,

    instead of counting studies in MAG to change MAG0 to MAG1, is it easily possible to do it by testing size og MAG0 ?
    eg :
    if size(MAG0) >= 1To then write on MAG1
    if size (MAG1) >= 1To then write on MAG2

    by doing that on a same volume, we do not have to create many differents partitions on disk to separate MAGx...

    Do you understand ?
    I think this option would be useful ???

    Many thanks.

    Hi all,

    in reality, i have found the problem...
    When there are too many directories in the storage directory of the studies, it can't create directory (new patient) anymore.
    It was my problem.
    I think it's a filesystem problem and not dgate problem...

    In order to not to have this problem anymore, i should create many directories for many MAGS :
    MAG0 = /home/toto/dicom1
    MAG1 = /home/toto/dicom2

    But i would like to know how to indicate when dgate have to change MAG0 to MAG1 with condition ?????
    For instance :
    - limit to a number of patient
    - limit to a directory size (if size of MAG0 = 2 To then use MAG1) ???
