Posts by jweste

    Hi Marcel

    Please don´t delete "package-lock.json". A paper about it:…k-json-in-git-or-not-50l5

    ReplaceAll I think is ok.

    >>1) images are sorted on InstanceNumber as a string, not a number (i.e. as 1, 10, 100, 101 ...)

    Sorry? do you mean the correct is sort by string(1,10,2,3...) instead of numbers(1,2,3...10)?

    >> 2) Also the path lenght issue is there. I.e. the api must be run from a somewhat short path, e.g. c:\temp works fine.

    Unhapilly, I didn´t find a node solution to that.

    >> 3) We may need to distribute the Linux version of servertask in the same folder

    Of course, we need.

    >> 4) Is it possible to not show the wait window in the first 100ms or so? That would make slice scrolling much smoother. it is quite fast ~50ms.

    Yes, it is. I will remove all "wait dialogs", because we already have a circular progress dialog in the upper right corner.

    Yes I think so, at least partially: replace each , by a \ (or \\) prior to passing the quey



    Thank you. It works as a charm.

    I sent you news files by email.

    Are you going to make a servertask version to compile in linux?


    Qido allows to pass more than one StudyInstanceUID to query studies as below.

    Does conquest supports this option?


    Hi, Marcel

    I need test the access in a client conquest install that has no public IP.

    To workaround that, I used ngrok ( to associate a name to conquest port as:

    ngrok http 5678 and it returns:

    Web Interface
    Forwarding -> http://localhost:5678
    Forwarding -> http://localhost:5678
    Connections ttl opn rt1 rt5 p50 p90 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    So, I have tested dgate as:

    dgate -p5678 -hCONQUESTSRV1 -q -wF:\Programas\vuejs\nuxt-iclindoctor\dicomapi/api/dgate

    But, It returns an error as:

    DICOM ERROR connect failed on socket level (called not running)

    It seems conquest is not resolving the name

    Hi, Marcel

    I see linux version supports mariadb. Does it supports mysql 8.x as well?

    Its not listed in

    options=("mariadb" "postgres" "sqlite" "dbase" "precompiled" "Quit")


    Previously you would have to change the numbers to names. I have just changed the json parser (jsondaddtoobject) to also accept numbers. The new version of dgate is on github, this only affects the server side. Please test.


    Hi, Marcel

    It´s working,

    I will send you a new api version because with your changes, I don´t need change numbers to names in server side API

    Regards, Luiz

    Hi, Marcel

    I am testing the new dgate(servertask).

    If I pass the next json to qido api studies route, many tags aren´t returning in the result. Qido specs allows dicom tag names and numbers in the query string.

    As you said, I still have to transform tags number into tag names, before submit to lua scripts, isn´t it?

    Or "servertask" or dgate(on conquest install side) could do this task?


    Without dgate.dic or similar dict, I would have to submit many tags numbers to server using the function you posted to get your names.

    Maybe, it´s not so good I do that.

    The qido version has a function with param "dicom tag" to find the dicom keyword in dgate.dic. I used it because QIDO allow pass dicom tags and dicom names in query strings. To each dicom tag, I had to get the dicom keyword name to pass as parameters to lua function. So, for now, the api needs dgate.dic or similar to work.

    The function is:


    You created a 'dgate' light version.

    But is it still possible to use the original dgate(the same from conquest install) on backend API?

    It´s because I added some tags in dgate.dic as:

    (9999,0801) VERS="CQ" VR="LO" VM="1" Keyword="ConquestDevice" Name="Conquest Device"

    (0008,1190) VERS="CQ" VR="UR" VM="1" Keyword="RetriveURL" Name="Retrive URL"

    (9999,0800) VERS="CQ" VR="LO" VM="1" Keyword="ConquestObjectFile" Name="Conquest Object File"

    (0008,0023) VERS="CQ" VR="DA" VM="1" Keyword="ConquestImageDate" Name="Conquest Image Date"

    (0008,0033) VERS="CQ" VR="TM" VM="1" Keyword="ConquestImageTime" Name="Conquest Image Time"

    About the viewer demo,

    I have tested with papaya and cornesrtone. I gave up papaya because cornerstone has been resulting in better performance and it has more complete image tools handles.

    But, maybe, It can´t be a complete app with all tools that everybody, using conquest, will needs.

    They can take the demo app as starting point and improve to your needs.

    Hi, Marcel

    Ok. I see you removed 'Serialize' in remote query function and 'DicomObject:new(params)' in others functions.

    It´s working as a charm.

    >>The client also does not need dgate.dic or dicom.ini.


    >>Here it is called dgate.exe for compatibility but I will intend to name is servertask.exe.

    Good idea. Because it isn't the same dgate that conquest use in the remote site.


    I will try it.

    But, I am afraid it will make no difference in server side API performance


    Thank, you.

    In the QIDO/WADO version I sent you, you need install a new package called nodemon(npm install -g nodemon) before run the server api.

    Nodemon is most used in dev enviroment, because it save the programmer to restart manually the app after each code change.

    And, I wrote instructions into readme files about how to install and run the apps. Is it ok as a manual?

    In production, there is other packages such as PM2 that can be used. With this package if the app crash it restarts automatically. But, I believe it is out of initial scope of development the app.


    I have created a to each project(server and client) describing how to install and use the app.

    I am sending to you.

    Is it ok?