Posts by jweste

    Sorry, but are you talking about wado-rs?

    Only to you know, the image with pat id: 0009703828 (HEAD EXP2) from conquest github folder

    is not showing in ohif latest version.

    Is these params, level and function of queryfunctions correct to wado-rs, in the code below?

    /*-------------------------Retrieve DICOM objects (WADO-RS)--------------------------------



    router.get("/rs/studies/:study", async (req, res) => {

    const StudyInstanceUID =;

    const query = url.parse(req.url, true).query;

    let params = { QueryRetrieveLevel: "SERIES", StudyInstanceUID };

    const tparams = getParams(params, tags, query);

    params = JSON.stringify(tparams);


    const cmd = `--dolua:dofile([[${APIFOLDER}/queryfunctions.lua]]);series([[${CQAE}]],[[${params}]],[[${dicomweb}]])`;



    /*-------------------------Retrieve DICOM objects (WADO-RS)--------------------------------





    async (req, res) => {

    const query = url.parse(req.url, true).query;

    const StudyInstanceUID = req.params.studyInstanceUid;

    const SeriesInstanceUID = req.params.seriesInstanceUid;

    let params = {

    QueryRetrieveLevel: "IMAGE",






    const cmd = `--dolua:dofile([[${APIFOLDER}/queryfunctions.lua]]);images([[${CQAE}]],[[${params}]],[[${dicomweb}]])`;

    /*-------------------------Retrieve DICOM objects (WADO-RS)--------------------------------





    async (req, res) => {

    const query = url.parse(req.url, true).query;

    const StudyInstanceUID = req.params.studyInstanceUid;

    const SeriesInstanceUID = req.params.seriesInstanceUid;

    const SOPInstanceUID = req.params.sopInstanceUid;

    let params = {

    QueryRetrieveLevel: "IMAGE",






    const cmd = `--dolua:dofile([[${APIFOLDER}/queryfunctions.lua]]);images([[${CQAE}]],[[${params}]],[[${dicomweb}]])`;



    Hi, Marcel,

    A basic beginner doubt.

    What means the term "Instance" in dicom. I have used as if it were the dicom image.

    For sample. In this text from docs, from wado-rs, it says:

    " Target Resources Instance Resources

    Instance Resources (defined in Table 10.4.1-1 are used to retrieve Instances.

    Retrieving a Series Instances resource retrieves all the individual Instances contained in the Series. Retrieving a Study Instances resource retrieves all the individual Instances contained in all the Series."

    Do you mean ohif source code?

    If yes, don´t use npm.

    Use yarn (…s/install/#windows-stable)

    After install yarn do: "yarn install" and after "yarn dev"

    I tried compile with npm and didn't works.

    The ohif config is into: ...ohif\Viewers\platform\viewer\public\config\default.js

    I am testing with this config:

    Here is the functions you posted.

    You see something causing it in the code since one works(but show only one serie) and the other doesn't?

    The error is here:


    Cache the pixelData reference quickly incase we want to set a targetBuffer _and_ scale.


    let pixelDataArray = imageFrame.pixelData;

    imageFrame.pixelDataLength = imageFrame.pixelData.length; --> error

    if (options.targetBuffer) {


    The error is:

    Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

    at decodeImageFrame.js:163:53

    at decodeImageFrame.js:137:18

    (anonymous) @ decodeImageFrame.js:163

    (anonymous) @ decodeImageFrame.js:137

    Promise.catch (async)

    Se @ decodeImageFrame.js:139

    handler @ decodeTask.js:69

    self.onmessage @ webWorker.js:109

    Ok, But I needed to use dev mode to looking at the ohif source why it don´t work.

    But the source code is complicated.

    And it uses react. I´m not a specialist in react.

    I use vuejs.

    I tried dgate 32 and 64. The latest metadata function doesn´t work with OHIF.

    I am using OHIF latest version executing in dev mode

    The latest metadata function, there is an error in browser console and the image is not loading

    Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')
    at decodeImageFrame.js:163:53
    at decodeImageFrame.js:137:18