Posts by hscheurig


    the configuration screen: Free disk Space 186 gigabyte


    24.09.2020 12:15:33 ------------------- Show free space on devices --------------------

    24.09.2020 12:15:33 [XXX] ** MAG DEVICE CHECK

    24.09.2020 12:15:33 [XXX]

    24.09.2020 12:15:33 [XXX] Free space on MAG Device 0 := 194594 MByte

    24.09.2020 12:15:33 [XXX] Free space on MAG Device 1 := 766802 MByte

    25.09.2020 02:00:00 Making space at night by moving LRU patients to: MAG1

    25.09.2020 02:00:00 Amount of MB to move: 200000

    25.09.2020 02:00:00 [XXX] ---------- Start archival operation -----------

    25.09.2020 02:12:19 [XXX] Archival: set archive flag for patient: xxxxxxxx


    25.09.2020 04:59:44 [XXX] MoveDataToDevice: copied image data for patient: xxxxxxx

    and maintenance.log after nightly zip:

    25.09.2020 05:00:12 [XXX] MoveDataToDevice: copied image data for patient: xxxxxxx


    25.09.2020 08:01:24 [XXX] MoveDataToDevice: compared image data for patient: xxxxxxx

    25.09.2020 08:02:47

    25.09.2020 08:02:47 ------------------- Show free space on devices --------------------

    25.09.2020 08:03:24 failed nightly moving

    25.09.2020 14:03:33

    25.09.2020 14:03:33 ------------------- Show free space on devices --------------------

    25.09.2020 14:03:33 [XXX] ** MAG DEVICE CHECK

    25.09.2020 14:03:33 [XXX]

    25.09.2020 14:03:33 [XXX] Free space on MAG Device 0 := 191764 MByte

    25.09.2020 14:03:33 [XXX] Free space on MAG Device 1 := 566492 MByte

    The reason for "failed nightly moving" was the exit from GUI at 8:03.

    So the GUI could not delete the successfully compared data on mag0. This data is now duplicated from Mag0 to mag1.

    hi marcel

    for years I used nightly move to keep enough free space on mag0.

    In previous versions that could be organized by keeping the GUI running.

    But since Version 1.5.0 this results in a suprisingly reaktion:

    My settings are "below 200GB move to mag1"

    but with 190GB free space the GUI moves 190GB and not only 10GB!


    I did Not log out between the described starts of the GUI.

    But the second start was with right click and selection 'run as Administrator'.

    On the new windows server ( my first answer) it's the same behavior as on my win10 System in the second answer.

    It's no problem for me to drag'n drop if I start the GUI without right Click. Hope my information helps


    I have the same Problem with version 1.5 on a new Windows Server System but only when I use the GUI as Administrator. Starting without Admin rights enables dropping.

    Propably it is a security Setting of modern windows ? Defender? Or my user rights ?


    The nightly move function in earlier versions required the GUI to be running.

    At page 51 of windowsmanual.pdf from Version 1.5.0 I found:

    "NightlyMoveThreshhold: ...since 1.4.17 also works for service and linux, if the logging is to a file".

    But this seems contravene to page 19: "

    "Below ... MB move to ...: .....This option requires the GUI to be running to function"

    What means "works with service"?

    • The Service when Server is installed as service?
    • Or a planned task with a dgate command?

    My NightlyMove (on a Windows Server 2019) does not start if only the NTService of the Conquest Dicom Server is running.

    Is there a dgate command for nightly move using the threshold from dicom.ini?

    It's new for me that I can prevent storing on old MAG with

    ImportConverter0 = STORAGE MAG7.

    So I have to add a line in dicom.ini (old server):

    ImportConverter2 = STORAGE MAG14.

    As I understand it then new data will be written to MAG0 and nightly move will be stored only on MAG14 or higher.

    Is this correct?

    Hi Marcel,

    thank you for your prompt answer and primarily for this great project.

    The planned transfer is a chance to reduce the database size of the new and the old dicom server.

    Since a couple of years Exportconverters send all input to PACS and some modality to other dicom ports. Members in the group have file access with reading authorization to the Mag Devices.

    The directory format is structured in dicom.ini: PatientID/Modality/Date+Sender/.....

    So it is possible to get all old data without dicom transfer.

    That means: before every repeat of my steps (1. to 6.) I want to shift the just produced directory to separate SAN Disks (again with read access to the outsourced files) and then to clear the new dicom server. At last only Mag0 and the newest mag for nightly move will be used in the new Dicom server (1.5.0) - then likely with MariaDB or MySQL.

    Answers to your Questions:

    • Can you map the SAN disks on the old server to the new one and vice-versa?
      • It should be possible for our IT.
    • I assume the old server must remain live? Is it being written in while migrating?
      • Yes, it's a distributing system together with the pacs. When the data of both conquest systems are nearly synchronous it will be possible to connect the senders to the new server or directly to pacs step by step.

    Hi Marcel

    I search for a way to delete mag devices from the SQL-Database (mySQL) of a daily working Conquest Dicom Server (1.4.17d) .

    This server uses 15 Mag device folders on 6 SAN disks. The data has to be transfered to an new Windows server.

    The idea is

    1. unplug the disk with the eldest data (since 2006)
    2. plug it to the new Windows server. There is a new installation 1.4.19d1 with SQL-Lite
    3. create the entries in the new database with the button "regen single device"
    4. on the old server delete the database entries linked to the unplugged data
    5. delete the entry for the deleted mag device in dicom.ini
    6. repeat from step 1 until the last disk is transfered

    In forum searches I found 6 threads with simular solutions, but no solution for deleting only database entries linked to a specific mag device.
    Has anyone an idea for step 4?

    Thank you

    I use autopush on XVI from Electa Linacs to store all Cone Beam CT's of daily Patient Setup in our Conquest Server.
    In the next step all CT's should be moved to the hospital pacs. But the result of a Query from hospital pacs will be a list with StudyDate of the CT used for planning and many Series of CBCT with the same StudyDate. It is not possible to detect a CBCT with a specific SeriesDate.
    My Question: how combine the existing SeriesDescription with prefixed SeriesDate?
    I had no success with my tests:
    ImportServer0 = set 0008,103e to "%V0008,0021"+"%V0008,103e"
    ImportServer0 = set 0008,103e to "%V0008,0021 %V0008,103e"
    Is it possible to combine Tags without Lua?

    Hi Marcel,
    now copy to destination works (but only if all of the fields

      Patient ID's
      Study UID
      Series UID

    alre filled).
    Thanks again for your help!

    Quote from marcelvanherk


    if you double click on the label, query switches to UID mode. Do you see that?


    Thank you Marcel -
    that was the fastest answer I ever got in a help forum : 4 minutes after my Question!
    Excuse my, I was blind: Now I saw the hints on series number and s.description and can swich to other mode of query.
    Tomorrow I will test it with our hospital's GE pacs .

    i also have a problem when trying to retrieve studies from GE Centricity. Query and copy of all data from a patient works fine, but when trying to copy for example only a serie or a single image to destination I get DICOM Move Error:Remote DICOM error.
    The tip double "click on the series number label of the query/move page" did'nt help. And how to do the following? There is no Study UID query field in Conquest or
    Thanks for any help.

    Quote from mpetruc

    yes it did. double clicking on Series number enables query by Study/Series UID. first i needed to query by patient ID (or name); a list of studies appeared, with associated Study UIDs. then i copied the Study UID from the left window in the Study UID query field and the pressed the Copy button.

    thanks a lot.

    Anonymization should be more than replacing the patients name.
    Some other information may or may be not for publishing:

      (0008,1010) StationName
      (0008,0070) Manufacturer
      (0008,0080) InstitutionName
      (0008,0081) InstitutionAddress
      (0008,0090) ReferringPhysiciansName
      (0008,0090) ReferringPhysiciansName
      (0008,1090) ManufacturersModelName
      (0008,1050) PerformingPhysiciansName
      Some comments (i.e. "please inform Doc X") or private tags

    The anonymisation must suppress tags from a configurable list of tags.

    I have seen a simular message in special situation:
    For testing I editet empty fields of an already exported image:studyid, seriesid and some other parameters. I had changed from

      to FileNameSyntax= %id\%modality\%modality[0,3]%studydate[2,3]_%studyid_%seriesid_%seriesuid_%imagenum_%time%counter.dcm

    The editing of the empty field was done on Fuji. During the export to Conquest (dbase) the Server showed the errors. I deleted the original image on Conquest. Then the transfer was OK.

    Here are my systems where the web interface is ok:
    Windows XP Professional SP2 with IIS V5.1
    Windows 2000 SP4
    Today I tested some modifications in my installation on the XP-System.
    1)My old Installation in path /scripts was OK
    2)Next test: copy of dgate.exe+dicom.ini to path /cgi-bin (I just created it).
    3) edit the web properties of cgi-bin:
    access rigths: "read"
    appication rights: "execute including scripts"
    5) now some URL's and the response:
    CGI Error
    The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:
    Conquest DICOM server - version 1.4.13alpha
    List of all patients
    Patient ID Name Sex Birth date
    (stops here if the related conquestserver is not started, otherwise a list of all patients follows)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    In the past sometimes it was helpful to restart the WWW-publishing service after my modifications - for example with:
    net stop w3svc
    net start w3svc

    Internet Information services help: