Posts by marcelvanherk


    if e-film won't recieve from conquest (when conquest is sending), then the configuration of conquest in e-film is probaly incorrect. You have to double check that e-film knows conquest and conquest knows e-film.



    Thanks for your nice words.

    To make this happen you will have to find tags in the dicom header to filter on and use commands like:

    exportconverters = 2
    exportconverter0 = ifnotequal "%m", "CT"; stop; ifnumless "%V0018,0060", "2"; export series to PACS.
    exportconverter1 = ifequal "%m", "CT"; stop; export series to PACS.

    This example should forward only CT series with slice thickness less than 2 mm (sorry, must be an integer), while all other data are sent. This will probably block scout views if they are in separate series. You may have to add another filter to enable those, but this is scanner dependent.



    check that you can transfer data from conquest to 'AET-SISTEMAS' using the query/move page. Maybe the ip address has changed, or the configuration of E-FILM?



    the mail option is quite good: only errors are mailed. For now you can configure 'mailhost', and ' mailsignon'. There is no password available. The (very old) mailer component I use does not provide that option. Changing that is a pretty major operation. Adding a port option is minor, but requires changing the GUI code. Something for the next release.

    The mailer filters on lines with "fail" (case insensitive) and "***".



    all files should be included in the package. I suggest to start from, maybe xvgifwr is missing in . Do NOT to load modules from elsewhere. For instance, the xvgifwr that we use is modified..... It is also included in

    The following flags need to be defined:




    Off course this will be in the next release. Passing the AE titles is a little more work, though. This information is currently not passed to "SearchOn" routine in qrsop.cxx.

    It might be useful to experiment with this option to get some feedback. Is is possible to compile dgate.exe yourself, e.g., using the total.cxx file. Or I can send you an updated dgate.exe if you pm me you email address.



    1) If I add a new entry in dgatesop.lst or to, do I need to restart the dgate process for the new entries to be picked up?
    Yes, unless you call dgate --readxxx functions to force reloading the files:
    dgate --read_ini:
    dgate --read_amap:

    2) Is there a way I can add remoteAe's to dgatesop.lst without restarting the server? Is there a limit to remoteAE entries in dgatesop.lst?
    There is no limit; and these are the (untested) dgate commands:
    dgate --get_remoteae:index,fmt List any accepted remote AE title
    dgate --put_remoteae:index,AE,name Write/add accepted remote AE title
    dgate --delete_remoteae:index Delete accepted remote AE title

    3) What's the difference between the remoteAe entry in dgatesop.lst and ae_title entry in file? Does dgatesop.lst entry override file.
    In dgatesop.lst: this is a filter for CALLERS, only listed items can connect to store, query and move
    In this is a lookup for CMOVE DESTINATIONS; if you are not there you cannot be sent to

    4) I want to allow some servers to send only images and not be able to retrieve - which I thought would be in dgatesop.lst. The other dicom viewers can retrieve images for viewing and are in file. Is this true assumptiom?
    Sorry, this functionality is not exactly provided. Anybody who can get in (as defined in dgatesop.lst) to store images, can also query. To be able to retrieve you also have to be in



    apparently there are two bugs... Can you get me a gdb bt of this fault as well? Just want to fix everything we run into prior to the next release.

    The real advantage of sqlite is that it is a real sql server: it can handle more complex queries, and the database size is more compact. But no, for your application dbase will do just fine, up to a couple of million images. For bigger archives MySQL is preferred.

    Sending stuff twice is no problem - the first sent data will just be overwritten.



    I am afraid such an option is currently not available - such options exist for C-Store events, but not for queries. By adding some code it is possible to run an importconverter like script on (all) query requests. What information would you need from the query?

    Edit: if you run on linux, the following change implement this (couple of lines change and then recompile).

    File dgate.cpp, in routine MyModalityWorkListQuery::SearchOn, below BOOL st, add:

    CallImportConverterN(DDOPtr, 1000, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "test", "test", NULL);

    This will call the script ImportConverter1000 in dicom.ini for each modality worklist query. The script can call external programs and/or read or modify the query (using %v and set, respectively).



    I believe the error message was freed twice. Please replace routine SQLITEExec at line 3424 in odbci.cpp the following modified code:

    And recompile. Hope this solves it.
