Posts by marcelvanherk


    there is no need to regenerate. You can best manualy change paths in dicom.ini (stop server, edit, start server). And files can be stored on a network drive as well (we do this all the time), that can be refered to as \\server\disk\dir\ or drive:dir\. Beware that the traling backslah is needed!



    The server will NOT change the orginal filename it used to store images. Therefore there is no option to change from NKI compression (stored as V2) to uncompressed with a full DICOM header (stored as DCM).

    So to uncompress from NKI (V2) to DCM, you can drag and drop all data into a new server that stores uncompressed with DCM format, or you can indeed move all patients to such a new server.

    The query/move page accepts a comma sepated list for patient ID. This allows breaking the move of all data nto smaller chunks, you use a text editor to generate a list of say, 50 patients per line.

    If uncompressed V2 files are acceptable, you can also transmit the server's data to itself using the same technique.



    in dicom, short filenames will not work, whil ethe entire SOP is guaranteed unique, any substring is not guaranteed so (the variable part is typically at the end, but does not need to be).

    What could work is to use the %counter option, possible combined with some series information.



    I believe placing an export converter in "" is wrong. "" are used around strings inside the export converter.

    For debugging, if you precede your exportconverter1 with a nop (no operation), the log will show what line it wanted to execute....

    ExportConverter1 = nop dcmj2pnm.exe +oj +Wm --scale-x-size 600 %f D:\www\temp\%i\%b.jpg

    In 1.4.15alpha, there is also a convert to jpg dgate command:


    ExportConverter1 = dgate.exe "--convert_to_jpg:%f,600,D:\www\temp\%i\%b.jpg,//0"

    This should print frame 0 with automatic level and window.



    These commands are not easy to use..... ;->>>

    imagelister only returns the filenames, not the patient ID. So you can only run this command for one patient at a time. For patient 9901234, you can e.g., do:

    dgate "--imagelister:local|9901234||dgate --modifypatid:FMI9901234,%s" > 9901234.bat

    To list all patient ID's you can do:

    dgate "--patientfinder:local|12|%0.0s%s"

    because patientfinder return first name (printed as %0.0s, i.e., NOT) and then ID (printed as %s)



    the best moment to change patient ID's is when the files are recieved using an importconverter.

    To list images:

    dgate "--imagelister:local|207*||%s|t.t"

    This lists all images of patient ID 207* to file t.t

    To make this work you have to run it from the same directory as where the server is.



    This is a typical de-identification routine for 1.4.15alpha (all on one line):

    ImportConverter0 = newuids; set 0010,0010 to ""; set 0010,0020 to "%A0010,0020_%A0010,0030"; set 0010,0030 to "%V0010,0030[0,3]0101"; set 0010,1040 to ""; set 0010,2154 to ""; set 0032,4000 to ""; set 0032,1030 to ""; set 0033,100e to ""

    The accession number can be accessed with %V0008,0050

    So combining the two should be doable.



    you can set FileNameSyntax to a string that will do just that:

    FileNameSyntax = %name\%studydate\%studyid\%sopuid.dcm


    From manual:

    Note: since 1.4.11, FileNameSyntax may also be string containing % that is treated as flexible
    filenamesyntax. e.g., %id\%studyid\%seriesid\%sopuid.dcm.
    This string may contain: %name=(0010,0010), %id=(0010,0020), %modality=(0008,0060),
    %studyid=(0020,0010), %studyuid=(0020,000D), %seriesid=(0020,0011), %series=(0020,0011) with 4
    digits, %seriesuid=(0020,000E), %sopuid=(0008,0018), %imagenum=(0020,0013),
    %image=(0020,0013) as 6 digit integer, %imageid=(0054,0400), %time, %counter = (4 digit hex),
    %calledae, %callingae, %studydate. Any of these items can be followed by e.g., [0,3] which is a
    substring operator, e.g., %studydate[0,3] gives the year, %studydate[4,5] gives the month. Any other
    text is treaded literally – be careful to use only characters allowed in filenames plus the correct path
    separator: \ for Windows, and / for Linux.