Posts by eskaryo

    I can't seem to find a way to log called and calling IP addresses in the windowsmanual or linuxmanual (We're running our CQ on Ubuntu) and was hoping this might be something I'm overlooking both in the manual and here on the forums. Anyone aware of a way to add this information to the logs?

    For those of you out there who have seen and/or reported the error "multiplex connection terminated" I may have an answer for what causes the behavior, at least for a linux implementation. It should be equally applicable for Windows, assuming you are using a load balancing application.

    The following table is from ipvs:

    IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=4096)
    Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
    -> RemoteAddress:Port Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
    TCP cqvip:5678 rr persistent 50
    -> cq01:5678 Route 1 0 0
    -> cq02:5678 Route 1 0 0

    IPVS, in order to ensure a destination system is up, will create an open-air connection to each host:port periodically. If it is unable to connect, that system is marked offline and is removed from the routing table you see above.

    This creates, as dgate sees it, hits for service. It will log what it can but, since it is simply a tcp connectivity validation, nothing makes it up to application and therefor nothing meaningful logs.

    Hope this helps someone out there!

    Does the Overflow Management feature in KPACS require any particular action before studies are eligible for deletion? I've got this configured to delete studies older than 3 days however it doesn't appear to be deleting anything.
    I thought it could be due to the read/unread state of the studies and marked all from one day as read. They did indeed change status, however they were not deleted.

    Is this a bug/non-functional feature, or am I doing something wrong?

    Thanks in advance for supporting this excellent free product. It has really been beneficial for our mobile mammography coach!