Posts by radtraveller

    Can you post your dicom.ini from cgi-bin and your dicom.ini from server directory?

    What shows on the page? is it a white box with red 'x' in it? Black frame? Nothing?

    Well, I finally finished copying out ~800gb database. Now I need to reinsert the data to conquest. I would appreciate any help with the following:

    Which filenamesyntax should I use to ensure I have the widest compatibility with other PACS?

    ie. In the future, if I want to just move the entire database without doing an export/import but just a reading of the files?

    I am leaning toward 8. From the Manual:

    "8 (standard patient root DICOM directory structure in chapter 10 format):
    filename = ID[32]\Studyuid\Seriesuid\Imageuid.dcm"

    I read somewhere that this may be slower than others. Is that true? If so, is it significant? 4 modalities, 1 Rad, 4 others accessing database intermittently.

    PS. Server is 2xDual Core Xeon 5130, 2Gb Ram, Dual Gb Ethernet and 2 TB Raid5 WinXPPRO

    (Although this IS going to change to a linux install as soon as I get everything working right on my other test tsystem.)


    OK . all installed and I can get series from database in viewer.

    Problem though. Images are sometimes displayed in incorrect order. Ie, Knee MRI, Spin Echo sequence displays rt side of knee to center of knee, image#1->image#10 but then image 11 is lt side of knee and image 22 is center of knee.

    Same study, from same database displays correctly in K-pacs.


    This was with most recent build dgate/activex posted copied to cgi-bin and diffs from bundled dicom.ini applied to mine.

    Dsize is still showing as '0' on show source..

    <HEAD><TITLE>Conquest DICOM server - version 1.4.12d</TITLE></HEAD>
    <H2>Conquest DICOM server - version 1.4.12d</H2>
    <PARAM name=DCMFilelist value=…1.261&dsize=0&compress=n4 >

    How do I (if I should) change that? Or does it really matter where hspace and vspace both =0?

    Quote from Patje

    OK, Works fine Marcel. Would it be possible to set default settings in the INI file?

    The problems with the ActiveX component can be solved by manual registrated the ActiveX.
    First Uninstall the component - regsvr32 -u ActiveFormProj1.ocx
    then Register the new component - regsvr32 -u [Path of component]\ActiveFormProj1.ocx

    Tried as written, kept uninstalling .ocx.

    Took a guess and removed '-u' from second regsrv32 statement.
    should be:

    regsvr32 -u ActiveFormProj1.ocx (to remove)
    regsvr32 [Path of component]\ActiveFormProj1.ocx (to register)

    ie: drive:\wamp\cgi-bin\ActiveFormProj1.ocx

    All works fine now. (autocontrast? I can't find that but manually changing win/level works. (if you have a black window, try changing win/level)

    Ok Wamp istalled, dgate ver 1412d installed in cgi-bin and localserver.


    kFactorFile = D:\dicomserver1412c\dicom.sql
    TruncateFieldNames = 10

    # IP address and port of DICOM server

    WebServerFor =
    TCPPort = 4006

    # further web server config (change ip address and optionally script path)

    WebReadonly = 0
    WebScriptAddress =

    # this is an optional virtual directory used to http: all images from mag0
    # this entry is experimental and unused except for manual calls to mode=seriesviewer2

    WebMAG0Address =

    excerpt from D:\wamp\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf required for WebMAG0Address (un-# there)
    Alias /mag0/ "D:\dicomserver1412c\data\"

    <Directory "D:\dicomserver1412c\data">
    Options Indexes MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

    I can get to the web interface to the database and see patient/study/series.

    When I try to view a series I get a white box with a red 'x' in top left corner.

    Intranet setting are all enable for activex. No firewall on.

    Show source finds dsize=0 and compression is n4.

    Dsize is the problem? Any help appreciated. (PS, I do not know how to edit an .ocx)


    Is Appendix 4, Conquest Web Server for Windows and Linux, Linux or Windows? (original document)

    Initial split out of Windows information is finished, but I don't know what to do with that section.

    "So, "Server" is set up in the DICOM Configuration under the Query/Retrieve Tab.
    Echo succeeds to "Server".
    I can check "Server" on the Network Tab under Query and click Today.
    I am returned a list of all the patients done today.
    I check a patient that I want to view and click on viewer.
    I get the flashing green arrow that I assume means downloading but nothing ever happens.
    If I check the 'Jobs' button I see the c-Move failed. "

    By "server" what server? Each modality and the Archive should have their own line with AE, IP and Port.

    Add Kpserver here on with correct port.
    Add Kpserver to Dicom List on each remote machine (CT/MR/Archive) (ie Kpserver, IP of Kpserver and Port you are using)

    Kpserver has to 'Know' each AE and each AE has to "know" kpserver. Sounds like their is a miconfonfigyred port somewhere or, as stated, you have a firewall blocking that port.

    Instead of trying to view studies from remote machine, transfer study to local kpserver, then view.


    Map drive Z: not installed as service writes files correctly to share.

    Install as NT service, Server Status indicates writing files, but no data shows up on Mapped drive.

    \\server\name\dir\ set in dicom.ini shows writing files, no data written in share.

    No error messages.

    [CONQUESTSRV1] [recompress]: recompressed with mode = un (strip=0)
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Written file: \\aqnet01\store\test\data\007\1.2.840.113619.2.134.1762854750.1894.1092875456.831_0003_000010_1170885156005a.dcm
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Server Command := 0001
    [CONQUESTSRV1] [recompress]: recompressed with mode = un (strip=0)
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Written file: \\aqnet01\store\test\data\007\1.2.840.113619.2.134.1762854750.1894.1092875456.831_0003_000011_1170885156005b.dcm
    [CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 1: ENDED AT: Wed Feb 07 13:57:19 2007

    # Configuration of disk(s) to store images
    MAGDeviceThreshhold = 0
    MAGDevices = 1
    MAGDevice0 = \\aqnet01\store\test\data\
    NightlyCleanThreshhold = 0

    NOT Service

    [CONQUESTSRV1] [recompress]: recompressed with mode = un (strip=0)
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Written file: z:\007\1.2.840.113619.2.134.1762854750.1894.1092875456.831_0003_000010_1170885156005a.dcm
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Server Command := 0001
    [CONQUESTSRV1] [recompress]: recompressed with mode = un (strip=0)
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Written file: z:\007\1.2.840.113619.2.134.1762854750.1894.1092875456.831_0003_000011_1170885156005b.dcm
    [CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 0: ENDED AT: Wed Feb 07 14:00:49 2007

    # Configuration of disk(s) to store images
    MAGDeviceThreshhold = 0
    MAGDevices = 1
    MAGDevice0 = z:\
    NightlyCleanThreshhold = 0


    After more playing aroung (including giving conquest my user/pwd in services) when attempting to save to share, installed as service I get:

    [CONQUESTSRV1] [recompress]: recompressed with mode = un (strip=0)
    [CONQUESTSRV1] ***Error getting free store for device z:\
    [CONQUESTSRV1] Written file: z:\007\1.2.840.113619.2.134.1762854750.1894.1092875456.831_0003_000011_1170887111002d.dcm
    [CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 0: ENDED AT: Wed Feb 07 14:25:11 2007


    Maintenance area "Show free store" and "Regen MAG0" do not throw any errors. Displays correct free space on share.

    So then I do:

    Uninstall as NT service, write to share.. Data present, delete data.
    Install as NT service, says writing files, no data on share, no error.

    Must be missing something basic, but can't find it right now.

    Bleh, I meant copy the files into the 'other' conquest with no persistent data. Rebuild THAT database, then send the study to your main Conquest.

    For importing, one could use Kpacs. Import from file system, edit header info, send to conquest.


    Any comments from you two or any users on the Forum regarding the outline as above? I'll start working on this a bit this weekend.

    Would you or Marcel provide a sticky thread for users to post config snippets with explanations of what they do and why?

    Linux Sticky thread.

    Database Sticky.

    Thanks. I look forward to this.


    1. Introduction (with link to these forums)
    1a. Generic Installation.
    1b. Discussion of options in dicom.ini and ramifications for use.
    2b. Discussion of Database programs available:Pros and Cons.

    2. Windows Install
    2a. Windows Specific Appendices

    3. Linux Install
    3a. Linux Appendices

    4. Database Appendices (ie Known installation/optimization guides)
    4a. Dbase
    4b. MySQL
    4c. SQL
    4d. PostGres

    5. Archiving/Backups

    6. Web Enabling
    6a. Apache
    6b. PHP (CGI?)

    7. Router Configuration
    7a. Discussion
    7b. Examples with explanation

    8. Gateway
    8a. Discussion
    8b. Examples with explanation

    User Contributions

    FOSS Attributions

    (good place to split PDF here. May cut down on bandwith a bit. Is it necessary to download DICOM Conformance and whole change list every time?)

    Dicom Conformance

    File List

    Change History

    On another note.. Would a seperate or seperable Command Line guide to DGATE be useful?

    You guys have done a GREAT job with this software. I would like to help in anyway I can. I am not a programmer, but I can help with proof-reading, noob-proof testing, stress testing, (haven't found a piece of software I couldn't 'break' if I set my mind to it yet :-P) Seriously, anything I can do to help, let me know and I'll tell you if I think I am able.


    I am not having much luck...

    I want to set conquest to receive all incoming images from all modalities, grab all priors by MRN OR Name and forward all new/priors to the Reading AE. The Rad wants ALL priors on Every patient scanned loaded to his reading station.

    I am just soooo confused.. :-0

    Also, one main point I'd like you to consider for the manual is to make it clear at the beginning of the installation settings for "FileNameSyntax" and its consequences. I had quite a few (hundreds of ) gigabytes stored as v2 before I got that far in the manual and switched over to "8".

    Now I am contemplating the 'best' way to redo all of the earlier studies.

    Copy *.v2 to an external drive->delete *.v2 from DB, Drag/drop *.v2 back to DB to be saved as ID\*\**.dcm (is rebuild necessary?)

    I can't figure out how I would select just the V2 files from within the Conquest UI to send to another server to re-import.


    (PS soooner rather than later, I think I will have to go about moving this DB from a Windows Box to Linux. Vista is scaring me)

    YIKES, that is probably going to get to be a real pain as your DB grows.

    How about setting up conquest on another PC for hjust this type of thing? ie keep very small DB, drag/drop the files in and rebuild, then send to your main? Might shave some time.

    Quote from Bushranger

    seems really strange.
    Some people use to optimize there systems until the crash.

    Hehehe guilty... How do you know where the limit of possible optimization lies until you go one too far?

    Quote from marcelvanherk

    Hi Radtraveller,

    Edit database is not implemented for the built-in dbase driver (it is for ODBC based drivers like SQL server). In that page you are looking at an excerpt of the dbfs, not the real thing. The delphi dbase drivers I use would not work on large databases, that's why. Not an easy thing to fix. Better make sure the information in the images is correct in the first place ;->>>


    Lol Marcel.. If I could get the front desk and all the other modalities to get and use the correct data my life would be much more simple. :-)

    My Data base is almost 10,000 MRN's and 800GBs...

    Actually I am using Mysql 5 with ODBC 3.51. When Edit opens I see all the data, I can get a cursor in the fields, highlight data, but I can't make any changes. I do have some success with exporting the study to Kpacs and correcting MRN or Mis-spelled name (most common errors), deleting study from conquest (though it doesn't seem to really delete) and resending corrected from K-pacs.

    Sorry, I can build computers, install anything from windows to solaris on x86 and get software installed. Using application software tho... :0-0

    So I have managed to export patient Name and MRN.. though it is not the best. List all patients (Query/Move select local server and '*' MRN. Copy/paste into OpenOffice and create tables) not elegant but a start.

    BTW, if you want to move this to a new thread, that would probably be best?

    Bored on a Sunday also? :-) I am going to go watch the superbowl now.
