Posts by akhsuser

    Hi Marcel,

    I have an issue with forwarding the study as uncompressed. the actual study is JPEG compressed. What should be the syntax to send out the study as uncompressed, can you give me an example with an export converter?

    # Configure server

    ImportExportDragAndDrop = 1

    KeepAlive = 60

    LargeFileSizeKB = 4096

    ZipTime = 05:

    UIDPrefix = 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.135.735843.70688067

    EnableReadAheadThread = 2

    EnableComputedFields = 1

    RetryDelay = 60

    RetryForwardFailed = 5

    FileNameSyntax = 4

    # Configuration of compression for incoming images and archival

    DroppedFileCompression = un

    IncomingCompression = as

    ArchiveCompression = as

    # For debug information

    PACSName = medHHSF

    OperatorConsole =

    DebugLevel = 0

    # Configuration of disk(s) to store images

    MAGDeviceFullThreshHold = 30

    MAGDevices = 1

    MAGDevice0 = d:\dicom\

    # Configuration of forwarding and/or converter programs to export DICOM slices

    ForwardAssociationLevel = SERIES

    ForwardAssociationCloseDelay = 5

    ForwardAssociationRefreshDelay = 3600

    ForwardAssociationRelease = 1

    ExportConverters = 2

    ExportConverter0 = ifequal "%V0008,1010","testII"; forward to TEST-EFT

    ExportConverter1 = ifnotequal "%V0008,1010","testII"; forward compressed as J2 to TEST-EFT

    ForwardCollectDelay = 5

    MaximumExportRetries = 10

    MaximumDelayedFetchForwardRetries = 10



    Thanks for the answers.Much appreciated.

    I will try running the batch file with this. dgate64 --movepatient:CONQUESTSRV1,PACS,99001234.

    I have also checked about doing move using lua script.

    print('------ testing a C-MOVE --------')


    b=newdicomobject(); b.PatientName = 'HEAD EXP2'; b.QueryRetrieveLevel = 'STUDY'; dicommove('CONQUESTSRV1', AE, b);

    1. Is it possible to retrieve status of the dicom object in the script so i can do the logging with success/failed.?

    2.Can i run lua script via batch file.? if yes please write me simple syntax.



    Thank you so much for your help.

    But i need to log the image data after it is forwarded successfully to the destination.

    With importconverter, logs being generated much before forward happens and this does not help my requirement

    1.Please send me how to achieve this with move client through scripts.

    2.I can make a lua file that does c-move. I could call the batch file.sample content of the bat file that triggers dgate to perform c-move really helps.

    3.Can't i have access association values in the export converter script?




    1) a filter blocks identical forward requests,.

    2) ExportConverter0 = dofile("logforward.lua");script("forward study to AKHSFTWS")

    I tried with your syntax but exportconverter not fired at all.....

    this is my ini file.


    MicroPACS = sscscp

    # Network configuration: server name and TCP/IP port#


    TCPPort = 5678

    # Host, database, username and password for database

    SQLHost = localhost

    SQLServer = C:\dicomserver150b\Data\dbase\conquest.db3

    Username = root

    Password =

    SqLite = 1

    DoubleBackSlashToDB = 0

    UseEscapeStringConstants = 0

    # Configure server

    ImportExportDragAndDrop = 1

    ZipTime = 05:

    UIDPrefix = 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.135.737931.77331817

    EnableComputedFields = 1

    FileNameSyntax = %v0008,0080\%studydate\%v0020,000d\%v0020,000e\%v0008,0018.dcm

    # Configuration of compression for incoming images and archival

    DroppedFileCompression = un

    IncomingCompression = un

    ArchiveCompression = as

    # For debug information


    OperatorConsole =

    DebugLevel = 0

    # Configuration of disk(s) to store images

    MAGDeviceFullThreshHold = 30

    MAGDevices = 1

    MAGDevice0 = c:\dicomserver150b\data\

    # Configuration of forwarding and/or converter programs to export DICOM slices

    ForwardAssociationLevel = STUDY

    ForwardAssociationCloseDelay = 5

    ForwardAssociationRefreshDelay = 3600

    ForwardAssociationRelease = 1

    ForwardCollectDelay = 60

    MaximumExportRetries = 0

    MaximumDelayedFetchForwardRetries = 0


    ExportConverters = 1

    ExportConverter0 = dofile('c:/dicomserver150b/lua/forward.lua');script('forward study to AKHSFTWS')

    ImportConverters = 2



    can you send this details, i would like to try this capture logs after image is sent at image level



    Also i want to confirm this with you

    ExportConverters = 1

    ExportConverter0 = system "logforward.exe" %f;forward study to AKHSFTWS;

    In the above case, i am able to see logforward.exe being called for each image.

    I assume forward study happens only once.Is that correct?

    Actually i tried the same with lua script but it didn't work. what is the syntax in lua script replace system "logforward.exe".


    ExportConverters = 1

    ExportConverter0 = dofile(logforward.lua);forward study to AKHSFTWS;



    Hi Marcel,

    With export converter, I would like to log the each file after it is transmitted successfully to the destination.

    What is option in export converter to get notification at image level ( planning to call command line exe after each image transfer is done) when I try to forward the completed study/series.



    Hi Marcel,

    I would like to restrict my conquest setup screen(database type) to show only mysql driver in the dropdown list as an option during install.

    Is there a way i can hide the other database options to the user.



    Hi Marcel,

    I understand that export converters are triggered by incoming images.

    Manual export like sending forward commands to dgate service via lua script would have any effect on the export converters?.

    basically i need to log the files being sent in lua script or through external program with manual export.

    I could do it in the export converter for incoming images, but when study is being triggered from outside, i would like to get the logging done.

    Please advise.

