Posts by docjay


    If I send the study by series (this case has over 100) then it will accept them all. If I send it by 'study' then it will only receive maybe two series and stop & error from DCM4CHEE I was just wondering if it maybe had something to do with the modality US possibly, but I guess not. I can successfully send other exams to conquest with no problems from DCM4CHEE.


    Conquest 1.4.17d

    I'm trying to send a study to conquest and it errors out with this in the log:

    [CompressJPEGImage]: JPEG compression not allowed for PR/SR/RT

    The study is composed of these modalities 'XR/US/SR' and I have confirmed that all of these SOP classes are in the 'dgatesop.lst'.

    I'm doing compression for everything that arrives, how can I get around this?



    Just tested out this code again with a patient that had 1 current study and 2 priors.

    Conquest decided to only forward the 2nd most recent study instead of the MOST recent study. So, since the query found 3 studies (one is the current study and the other two are prior exams) it pushed prior #2 instead of prior #1.

    Maybe there is a way to add a 'sort' to the query so that it will know which one is old to new?



    thanks a lot! This now works as expected. I'm using a delay of 180sec which works out fine.

    I'm trying to accomplish one more thing with this script.

    When the prior is found with the query, if it contains a 'SeriesDescription' that contains 'Cad', I would like it to NOT forward that series.

    Would the best way to go about this be to add something to the query like 'q.SeriesDescription ~= 'Cad'' or should I add another 'if' statement? Maybe there is a way to use one of the existing 'if' statements?


    if Data.StudyInstanceUID ~= s[1].StudyInstanceUID and s[1].SeriesDescription ~= '*Cad*' then
    script("forward patient study ".. s[1].StudyInstanceUID .. " after 180 to SERVER1")

    If I have the code above correct, can I use the wild card as I have it above?

    thanks for all of your help with this!


    Your absolutely right, it IS case sensitive. What a hard lesson to learn. :)

    So, I got the script to forward a study to 'SERVER1', but it didn't work as I had hoped. The delay was also 10 minutes.

    The query in the script found '2' results.

    1. How can I change the timeout for the delay?
    2. the code below will forward all results found. In the test I did, it forwarded the prior and the current study received. How can it be changed to work for only the most recent prior?



    I'm guessing that the 'If' statement isn't working. I've created another basic script to just print something and I have called it in the dicom.ini file as:

    ImportConverter0 = print.lua

    Here is the code:

    if string.find(Data.StudyDescription, 'brain') then
    print ("Is this what you are looking for?--", Data.StudyDescription)

    This should print out 'MR Brain w+wo Contrast' when it receives a study with the word 'brain' in the study description.

    this will not print anything in the 'serverstatus.log' file.

    correct me if I'm wrong, but this 'if string.find' will only work on incoming images correct?



    now it isn't printing anything, do I have to wait for 5 min?

    On line 13, there is a print function


    I've told it to print as you suggested above, but nothing shows up in my 'serverstatus.log'. I"m running an old copy of 'dicom.ini' from before the v1.4.16 days. Could there be a setting in the .ini I'm missing since v1.14.17d?



    -thanks for fixing that. The script doesn't error anymore, but nothing gets forwarded to me

    I even changed what I was looking for in the 'StudyDescription' to '*brain*'. Is the "to SERVER1" correct in the code below? It IS in the '' file.


    I've corrected the capitalization error, but it is still complaining about line 10 '...lua:10: attempt to get length of global 'r' (a nil value)' error message

    also added a space for line 9 before and after the '='

    here is the code now:


    Yes, its actually the conquest server. I can use different applications to query, push, & pull studies from it right now.

    I can run this:

    q = newdicomobject()
    q.PatientID = ''
    q.StudyInstanceUID = ''
    q.StudyDescription = '*MR BRAIN*'
    q.StudyDate = '20140604'
    q.QueryRetrieveLevel = 'STUDY'
    r = dicomquery('RADARCH4', 'STUDY', q)
    print('found', #r, 'studies')

    that comes back with '4' results for today.


    running the code below:

    and it comes back with '...:10: attempt to get length of global 'r' (a nill value)'

    this is after I had sent it a 'MR Brain' study waiting for it to forward me the recent 'MR Brain' from this example patient. There is a prior 'MR Brain' for this patient, as I have verified this.



    On this line:

    'script("forward patient study ".. s[1].StudyInstanceUID .. "to AE")'

    if I wanted the study to go to 'SERVER1' would it look like:

    script("forward patient study ".. s[1].StudyInstanceUID .. "to SERVER1")


    script("forward patient study ".. s[1].StudyInstanceUID .. "SERVER1")


    REPLY: "to SERVER1"


    in your code below:

    does it watch incoming studies? How would I modify the script to look for 'MR Brains' only?

    Conquest v.1417d


    I need to figure out how to forward the most recent prior for a patient when a new study has arrived. For example, when a study arrives with a study description of 'MR Brain' I need to forward that patients most recent 'MR Brain' to a specific remote AE Title. Is this possible?




    About the directory monitor, I have updated my copy of conquest to beta 5 and I see where I can upload images or archive files with the GUI, but is there any way to do it via the command line? Also, will it do a 'delete after send'?

    thanks - Pacsdude


    Thanks, that worked perfectly for number of images & series! is there any way we might be able to index the dicom tag "Station Name" (0008, 1010) in MySQL so that it will show up on remote queries from other workstations?

    Thanks again for all of your help & time in this matter
