Posts by fractaledge3

    Hi Marcel,

    The compression used for writing the images on both server is j1, so before upgrading the sending is done without recompression, but now after upgrading when the server1 sends the images to the server2 it recompress the images with j2 which will consume time in compression and cause a delay.


    Hi Marcel,
    When upgrading to 1.4.16 The Loss Less Quality parameter j1 does not work..!! when sending from conquest server to another conquest server, the images in the sending server was saved whith j1 compression but when sending the images to the other server it recompress it with j2 ?

    Server1 Configuration of compression :
    DroppedFileCompression = j1
    IncomingCompression = j1
    ArchiveCompression = j1

    Server2 Configuration of compression :
    DroppedFileCompression = j1
    IncomingCompression = j1
    ArchiveCompression = j1

    Server1 :
    Server1 ws1 5678 j1
    Server2 ws2 5678 j1

    Server2 :
    Server1 ws1 5678 j1
    Server2 ws2 5678 j1



    This is my customized web interface to allow filtering the search by modality .

    copy the code below and save it as index.htm in the root directory of your web server, also you can put a logo or background image.
    you can replace the file name in my code (logo.gif) and (bac.jpeg).

    also I tried a method to automatically resize the web viewer to full screen(87 %), by modifying the size line in the dicom.ini located in the root directory of the web server to

    size = 87%25%25

    it is perfect in both seriesviewer & serversideviewer, but in the sliceviewer it is not resolving the size correctly and affect the image size.

    any comments or modification will be appreciated.


    Hi Marcel,
    Is there anyway to query by Modality In the web interface? if not, I suggest to add it to the wish list.

    also I tried this method to Automatically Resize the web viewer to full screen(87 %), by modifying the size line in the dicom.ini located in the root directories of the web server to

    size = 87%25%25

    it is perfect in both seriesviewer & serversideviewer, but in the sliceviewer it is not resolving the size correctly and affect the image size. I suggest to add it also to the wish list.

    Wish list:
    1-query by Modality In the web interface
    2-the web viewer can Accept the size in percentage.


    I have done the query by Modality, you can test it in that link


    I think this will help any one who use the web interface to Automatically Resize the K-PACS viewer to full screen(97 %).
    just modify the size line in the dicom.ini located in the root directories of your web server to

    size = 97%25%25


    Thank You for your reply, the attached dicom.ini file worked fine with all previous releases, just when I put the 1.4.16 dgate.exe in the "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot" folder, the web interface gives CGI Timeout.

    Sorry I dont know why I Could not upload any attachment, I put it as a code !!
