Posts by louisradiology

    Hi Marcel,

    Thank you for pointing this out to me. I made the correction. However both the scripting way and lua way would not work using ExportConverter0 option as nothing happens.

    I decided to do this instead.

    1. Lua Option



    ImportConverter0 = dofile("moveCTStudy.lua");

    This time is executed the file with some syntax error in the .lua file. I corrected the syntax error reported and tried again and this time it seems to work as seen from the Conquest server logs

    I decided to try again with export converter way, and commented the import converter call.

    2. ExportConverter way



    ExportConverter0 = dofile("moveCTStudy.lua");

    As seen below nothing happens to execute the file, and the data is stored on Conquest DB as the destroy in lua did not happen.

    3. I also tried the scripting as an ImportConverter as per below


    ImportConverter0 = ifequal "%V/0040,0275/0032,1064/0008,0100","CTABDPELV"; forward to CRGARCTHINS ;

    It worked as expected

    What's the difference between import converter and export converter ?

    PS. I've attached the correct .lua file (saved as .txt to upload) after fixing the syntax error reported.


    • moveCTStudy.txt

      (343 Byte, downloaded 377 times, last: )

    Hi Marcel,

    Thank you for the feedback. Right now there's a list of 15 x CT procedure codes that are to be forwarded coming from the 3 x different modalities and the rest are not to be forwarded.

    I tried the following.

    1. LUA Option

    Created a .lua file (file is attached with .txt) to test a sample one from one modality (ProcedureCode-Dicom-Tag-mod2.jpg one). In the Conquest dicom.ini file I have added this line at the end



    ExportConvertor0 = dofile("moveCTStudy.lua");

    While the data is received and stored in Conquest, the .lua portion did not happen and no forwarding occurred.

    2. Scripting option

    With the scripting option as first I need to know the modality (StationName) it's coming from before looking at the tags sequence as the Procedure Code is accessed differently from each vendor.

    However I just did a test from one modality to send and in dicom.ini file added this line


    ExportConvertor0 = ifequal "%V/0040,0275/0032,1064/0008,0100","CTABDPELV"; forward to CRGARCTHINS ;

    This also did not work while the study was received and stored but no forwarding occurred.

    Any advice ?



    • moveCTStudy.txt

      (338 Byte, downloaded 368 times, last: )


    Am trying to see if Conquest can be used to do read the procedure code dicom tag and then based on the code do a forwarding. Am aware of using forward rules with Conquest. The issue is the procedure code dicom tag from the modality is stored within a subset of tags. e.g. see the 3 x attached images as to where tag "0008,0100 Code Value" is available from the modalities we use. Am unsure how to read this. lua code that I have seen accessessing the tags data, for say Modality which is not a sub set as


    How would lua read sub sets with Conquest ?

    The end outcome is:

    If Code Value matches the condition then forward to archive.

    Appreciate feedback from anyone.


    [CONQUESTSRV1] ***Failed MYSQLExec : CREATE TABLE DICOMImages (SOPInstanc varchar(64) PRIMARY KEY not null, SOPClassUI varchar(64), ImageNumbe varchar(12), ImageDate char(8) , ImageTime varchar(16), EchoNumber varchar(64), NumberOfFr varchar(12), AcqDate char(8) , AcqTime varchar(16), ReceivingC varchar(16), AcqNumber varchar(12), SliceLocat varchar(16), SamplesPer varchar(5), PhotoMetri varchar(16), Rows varchar(5), Colums varchar(5), BitsStored varchar(5), ImageType varchar(128), ImageID varchar(16), ImagePat varchar(64), SeriesInst varchar(64), AccessTime int, qTimeStamp int, qFlags int, qSpare varchar(64), ObjectFile varchar(255), DeviceName varchar(32))%3

    I have to break down my response as long reply keeps giving me an error. Continue here ..

    When I pressed Verify Database Installation I get no errors. However when I press re-initialize database I get an sql syntax error when creating DICOMImages table.


    I tried installing and selected the option Native MySQL Driver. MySQL installed is version "MySQL Community Server 8.0.15". I did the manual database creation by hand in MySQL. This was confirmed OK as when I press "Make MySQL Database" this message came up


    ------------------- End data source update or creation --------------------

    [CONQUESTSRV1] Create Database: conquest, user: root, password: <not_shown_here>

    [CONQUESTSRV1] ***Failed MYSQLExec : CREATE DATABASE conquest

    [CONQUESTSRV1] ***Error: Can't create database 'conquest'; database exists

    [CONQUESTSRV1] ----------------------------------


    I am trying to add a new thread. However after I submit this message keeps showing

    Server Connection Closed

    Description: The server requested closed the connection before the transaction was completed.

    Any clues.

    Thank You

    Hi There,

    Am trying to create a simple ImportConvertor that will change the modality header only if it meets a particular criteria. Then forward to a destination AE and destroy the data from Conquest DB

    I created a .lua file and saved it under ..\conquestdicomserver1419\ . The content of the file is simple

    str = Data.Modalitynewstr = strif string.find(str, "OT") then newstr = "XA"endData.Modality = newstrprint(str)print(newstr)

    In the dicom.ini file I added this

    ImportConvertor0 = dofile("ChangeStudyMod.lua"); forward to <the_destination_AETITLE> channel *; destroy;

    I keep getting a syntax error. If I remove these lines


    forward to <the_destination_AETITLE> channel *; destroy;

    The lua file does what it's suppose to and updates the modality tag when needed to do so. I can't get the extra part added.

    What's the proper way to add this in [lua] in dicom.ini so it also forward each image file then destroy the data from Conquest DB for each image processed ?

    Will keep trying in meantime to see if I can get it going properly.

    Thank You